two- piece ass embly. For more information on tube adapters, see the Swagelok Gaugeable Tube Fittings and Adapter Fittings catalog, MS-01-140. Operation of Swagelok Quick-Connects ■ Use filters ahead of quick-connects. ■ Use body and stem protectors or dust caps on uncoupled bodies and ...
Fittingscatalog,MS-01-140. OperationofSwagelokQuick-Connects ■Useltersaheado quick-connects. ■Usebodyandstemprotectorsordustcapson uncoupledbodiesandstems. ■Alignbodiesandstemswhencouplingoruncoupling. ■Coupleanduncouplequick-connectsatroom temperature. ...
embly. For more information on tube adapters, see the Swagelok Gaugeable Tube Fittings and Adapter Fittings catalog, MS-01-140. Quick-Connects 3 Instrumentation Quick-Connects QC Series Features ■ Redesigned Stem Single-End Shutoff (SESO) Locking dogs Stem seal O-ring Insert seal O-ring Body...