Time Tagger Lab 轻松实现您的研究思路 Time Taggers强大的软件引擎为您提供了丰富的数据处理功能,相关性、一维和多维直方图、多通道符合计数等等都可以轻松实时运行,让您可以轻松将创新的研究思路变成现实。 灵活的自定义数据采集 Time Tagger使您可以使用输入通道的任意组合自定义您的测量,您可以使用一个Time Tagger读取...
通过使用三个SPDMA单光子探测器,三个信号通道由Time Tagger 分析所探测事件之间的符合情况,学员们学习了如何最小化“零态”的影响,从而大幅提升测量精度,得以深入探索量子光学的核心领域。 Time Tagger Lab:探索量子实验的更多可能性 这套教学工具的核心正是由 Swabian Instruments 开发生产的Time Tagger产品。其先进的...
At Swabian Instruments, I help our customers to realize their ideas and to make the handling of the Time Tagger as comfortable as possible. I really enjoy the development of complex software projects, either for customers or for internal use. To see them grow is really fun. I know my ...
) or by using a few clicks in our GUI TimeTaggerLab. Run, visualize, and analyze your experiments like never before! Endless capabilities for photon counting are made easy with Time Tagger Swabian Instruments' Time Taggers provide the new standard in time-correlated single photon counting. The ...
(PMT), single-photon avalanche detectors (SPAD), and superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPD) - theTime Taggerscan measure the time difference between excitation photons and those emitted during fluorescence decays, thereby enabling the precise evaluation of the fluorescence lifetime of ...
Time Tagger Lab Implement your ideas within minutes What makes our Time Taggers unique is their powerful software engine that offers effortless data processing capabilities. You will implement your measurement ideas within minutes - promised. Maximum flexibility ...
凭借Time Tagger 系列产品的卓越性能,我们强大的软件引擎使您能够仅通过几行代码(Python、Matlab、LabVIEW、C#/C++、Mathematica、NET等)或在图形用户界面 TimeTaggerLab 中点击几下,即可实时同时进行多项测试,以全新方式运行、可视化分析您的实验! 使用Time Tagger 系列产品探索单光子计数的无限可能 Swabian Instruments ...