virus and bacteria sampling, laboratory sampling, gene sampling, gynecological cervical sampling, etc. Our company's flocking technology has been certified by relevant medical institutions, the daily output can reach hundreds of thousands, effectively cooperate with the customer's order distribution, faste...
CHG prep pads are used to avoid infections, clean the skin, and clean wounds, scrapes, and cuts.CHG prep pads are also used to disinfect an injection site prior to injection in order to eliminate bacteria and germs that could be pushed into the skin...
23 、Pharyngeal Swab Culture in Monitoring Pathogenic Bacteria of Nosocomial Pneumonia in Patients with Neoplasm───应用咽拭子培养监测肿瘤患者医院获得性肺炎致病性细菌的临床分析 24 、swab the well in───抽汲诱喷 25 、Debride and swab with topical iodine───局部碘附清洗和涂擦 26 、swab down...
flocking swabs (flocking swabs or flocking sticks), throat swabs, microbial sampling sticks, DNA oral swabs, disinfection sponge swabs, CHG chlorhexidine applicator, saliva collector or saliva collecting device, and cell preservation solution. Its application fields include medical DNA sampling, oral samp...
Each stick is individually wrapped in a sealed packet to maintain the freshness and moisture of the swabs. The packs may be presented as multipacks with perforations to allow detachment of individual sticks. The packaging of the individual sticks is also perforated to allow easy opening....
Place NP and OP swabs immediately into a sterile vial containing 2 ml ofviral transport media. Both swabs can be placed in the same vial if desired. Aseptically, cut or break the applicator sticks off near the tip to permit the tightening of the cap. ...