纯度规格:1×10(6)cells/T25培养瓶产品类别:实验试剂 "SW480[SW-480]细胞:人结直肠腺癌细胞 细胞物种来源:人源或鼠源等其它物种来源 SW480[SW-480] Cell 细胞形态特性:详见细胞说明书 3114-70-3 实验室细胞培养基知识简介:干粉培养基:以前大部分实验室都是用干粉培养基,但配制过程就较为繁琐,要溶解、调pH...
cellswereexaminedbyMTTafterbeingmovedtonormalconditionsfor12,24,36,48,60and72hrespectively;andpHofthe culturemediawasmeasuredafterbeinginnormalconditionfor0,0.5,1,1.5,2and2.5h. Results TheG0/G1ratioshowedno statisticaldifferencebetweenCO2pneum0perit0neumandcontrolgroups(P>0.05). ...
not represent the pre-malignant precursor stage (i.e.adenoma). In addition, cancer cells growingin vitroon plastic under high serum and high oxygen conditions do not represent thein vivosituation in which non-neoplastic cells (such as fibroblasts, endothelial cells and immune cells) may also ...
Both media were supple- mented with 10 % FBS (Gibco, Life Technologies), 1 % L- glutamine and 1 % Penicillium, Neomycinium and Streptomycinium (PNS; Gibco, Life Technologies). Stable transfection Cells were transfected with retroviral vector pLNCX2, pro- duced by PT67 packing cells, in ...
Objectives This study aimed to investigate the effects of specific gene silencing in colorectal cancer cells. Clusterin protein was found in the serum samples of colorectal cancer patients infected with Schistosoma mansoni previously. Methods For this re
Subsequently, at 24 and 48 h, respectively, the culture medium was eliminated and the cells were washed with PBS, we added MTT reagent (5 mg/mL) to each well, and the plate was incubated at 37 °C for an additional 3 h. The media were then removed and the intracellular formazan ...