机油,即发动机润滑油 英文名称:Engine oil。密度约为0.91×10³(kg/m³)能对发动机起到润滑减磨、冷却降温、密封防漏、防锈防蚀、减震缓冲等作用。市场上的机油因其基础油不同可简分为矿物油及合成油两种(植物油因产量稀少故不计)。合成油中又分为:全合成及半合成。全合成机油是最...
30X30 BR铝型材(30X30 BR ALUMINIUM PROFILE) 资源编号 :101093172 格式:sw 文件体积 :2m 下载量 :4 James_Walker 云检查 SW截图 云检查详情 SolidWorks工具内截图带边线上色模式 云检查收起 方式:SolidWorks工具内截图 环境:SolidWorks 2023, windows10
20l机械油桶参考002(20l Oil Drum For Machinery Ref 002) 作品集: 3D模型_G 100套 James_Walker 2个月前 经典戒指(classinc ring) 作品集: 3D模型_G 100套 James_Walker 1个月前 机器翻译2204 无刷电机(MT2204 Brushless Motor) 作品集: 3D模型_G 100套 James_Walker 2个月前 伺服...
The oil pressure switch is mainly installed in the oil sump or cylinder body to detect the pressure in the main oil passage. When the oil pressure of the engine is detected to drop to an unusually low value, the oil pressure warning light will be on to alert the driver. ...
品牌 Sonoswiss 超声波单元 SW 1S,W 1 H,SW 3,SW 3 H,SW 6 H,SW 12 H,SW 30 H,SW 45 NAV,SW 90 NAV,SW 125 NAV,SW 60 MOD,SW 150 MOD,SW 240 MOD Schwarzer Ruhrtechnik 快速搅拌机、螺旋 Smeertechniek Rotterdam 油嘴、密封、喷雾瓶、压力表、油位指示器等 014-1088-A00、12 035 805、...
when case drain line is used,make sure the motor is always filled with oil.the motor life is benefited from a case drain line. 6.it is highly recommended that the motor runs at 30% of rated pressure for at least one hour be...
升降台, 高清30 X48(Lift Table, HD 30 x 48) 作品集:3D模型_G100套 James_Walker 3个月前 板式换热器(Plate Heat Exchanger) 作品集:3D模型_G100套 James_Walker 3个月前 断路器S202 C32 ABB(Circuit breaker S202 C32 ABB) 作品集:3D模型_G100套 ...
Electrical System Starting motor V/kW 12/3.0 Generator V/A 12/80 Battery Ah 120 Fueling Amount Hydraulic oil tank L 65 Fuel tank L 90 Hydraulic System Standard discharge L/min 86 Large discharge L/min 131 Standard working pressure bar 210 Large-discharge working ...
Shell Paper Machine Oil S3 M造纸机油-原名:壳牌德力美S Shell Paper Machine Oil S2造纸机油-原名:壳牌德力美 Shell Morlina S2 BL循环油- 原名:万利得 5、10 Shell Morlina S1 B循环油-原名:威达利 M 壳牌润滑油(Shell)-壳牌循环油 壳牌大威纳S系列润滑油 ...
Shimano单速自行车自由轮-SF-MX30(Shimano Single Speed Bicycle Freewheel - SF-MX30) 资源编号 :103585705 格式:sw,Inventor,catia 文件体积 :5m James_Walker 爱给网提供海量的爱给模型库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为sw,Inventor,catia 格式的Shimano单速自行车自由轮-SF-MX30(Shimano Single Speed Bicycle Free...