SVS PB-1000 SB-1000 有线发电机说明书
SVS sent me both subs to review. With its compact 13-inch-high by 13-inch-wide cabinet, the spouse acceptance factor of the sealed SB-1000 is off the charts. Further- more, the piano black gloss finish of the model I tested would befit a subwoofer in a much higher price class than ...
能称为低音炮行家的企业一只手都数得过来,不仅懂行还能做好低音炮的就更少了。(There are only a handful of companies true bass connoisseurs turn to for real-deal subwoofers.)这是美国权威影音杂质“Sound&Vision”,在顶级低音炮甄选的栏目中写下的话。老海在准备这篇文章的时候偶然看到,简直醍醐灌顶...
SVS boasts the SB-1000 Pro delivers jaw-dropping deep bass extension down to 20Hz and massive output with stunning musicality that will delight both audiophiles and home theater fans. Further claiming that reference subwoofer performance has never been available near this price from a cabinet of th...
Go for the sb2000 a better sealed sub in a small room extends deeper than the ported pb1000. I have that subwoofer its great for smal medium size rooms. Yes, what data do you base on to make this statement? From the subwoofer comparison spreadsheet it appears that the pb1000 is...
• Subwoofer Front Display (16-Ultra, 4000 Series and 3000 In-Wall only) The SVS app works with Apple iOS 13.0 or newer. The app is also available for SVS 13-Ultra Amplifier Upgrade Kits for existing owners of the SVS SB13, PB13, PC13-Ultra, PB12-PLUS, and PC12-PLUS Subwoofers....
You only need to take a look at some of their subwoofers to know that. It’s a product category they excel in, and even in budget models like the SB-1000 Pro (full review here), the low end is still phenomenal. That philosophy bleeds into their larger speakers, and it’s definitely...
原版的 SVS PB-1000 凭借其价格及其他优势,以无与伦比的性能震撼了低音炮世界。现在,PB-1000 Pro 通过更高的低频输出能力,更深的低至17Hz低音下潜,更强性能的双倒相孔设计以及对用户体验的大幅提升,进一步提高了同类产品标准。 PB-1000 Pro是对原来10英寸驱动器的完全重新构想,它采用全新的12英寸长冲程扬声器,...
SVS SB-2000 Pro 12英寸超重低音炮 功放功率: 连续输出功率550瓦,峰值输出1500瓦 驱动单元设计: ·内置Sledge STA-550D功放模组,具备550W RMS输出和1500W以上的峰值输出 ·全新设计的12英寸长冲程单元 ·50MHz的模拟音频处理DSP ·突破性的DSP处理移动终端 ...
The SVS app is the easiest way to unleash the full potential of your SVS 17-Ultra RIEvolution, 16-Ultra, 4000 Series, 3000 Series, 3000 Micro, 3000 In-Wall, 2000 Pro Series, and 1000 Pro Series subwoofers by allowing advanced DSP functionality and optimization based on your room, speakers...