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SB-2000 Pro、PB-2000 Pro、PC-2000 Pro SVS 2000 Pro系列: 三款2000 Pro系列低音炮都在20赫兹以下进行挖掘,以获得深沉的低音延伸,具有惊人的细节和准确性。每一个都把参考的超低音性能带到了更实惠的价格点。 普及炮系列 SB-1000 Pro、PB-1000 Pro SVS 1000专业系列: 2021年推出的入门级系列有密闭式和端...
PB-1000 = £449 SB-1000 Pro = £549 SB-2000 = £599 Any advice? Last edited: Nov 29, 2023 T ThELiZ Member Joined Apr 9, 2021 Messages 53 Likes 50 Nov 29, 2023 #2 I'd personally save some money and get the Q Acoustics QB12. Sure, it hasn't got the parametric...
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4438 -- 2:39 App SVS 2000 PRO 低音炮新旧款哪裡不同你该怎么选 1919 -- 2:09 App HIFI小白课2:加低音炮要考虑的问题。SVS SB-1000PRO开箱。 6110 -- 3:20 App SVSound 美国SVS音箱 SB-1000 超低音喇叭 开箱 4093 -- 8:01 App SVS 新款低音炮 PB-2000 Pro 开箱评测! 4万 22 14:17 App...
SVS has totally redesigned their entry-level powered subwoofers in the PB-1000 Pro and SB-1000 Pro. Our review reveals these subs go well beyond entry-level performance. Read on to find out how.
1.1万 3 13:20 App SVS低音炮大对决SVS PB-3000 vs SVS SB-4000 1600 -- 16:12 App SVS SB4000 有源低音炮测评 2123 1 0:54 App SVS低音炮对比杰士低音炮 1838 -- 2:09 App HIFI小白课2:加低音炮要考虑的问题。SVS SB-1000PRO开箱。 1315 -- 0:14 App 足以让家具震起来的力量~~SVS 300...
美国SVS低音炮 SVS PB13 PC12 SB12超近低音炮美国SVS低音炮 PB13-Ultra : 1000W(3600瓦峰值动态功率) DSP控制 13.5寸世界级超长冲程的反射型低音炮 PB13-Ultra SVS性能的终极表现 旗舰型号PB13- +2 分享172 三维实景吧 svs智觉空间svs 三维实景修饰,看看SVSMeshEditor地理条件差、天气多变、跨季节跨年份...
sb-1000-pro-subwoofer Options Compare PB-2000 Pro PB-2000 Pro(Sale) Most acclaimed ported subwoofer for unrivaled output, extension, and refinement at its price and beyond. Sale price$ 899.99$ 1,099.99Regular price 4.9 (244)244 total reviews ...
Depends.. In my room the SB1000 and SB2000 were disappointing. Not until I got the PB2000 I got near what I wanted. I don't have subwoofers anymore though. My advice: Buy the ported one. Absolutely the best value. Reactions: opus and marX jhaider Major Contributor Forum Don...