this paper present a supported vector regression (SVR) model based on an automated method which worked as the following steps: firstly, the automated method is used to select the texts which highly related to the influenza, and then the SVR algorithm will find out the nonlinear between each co...
该算法以回归型支持向量机(SVR)理论及同步码技术为基础,首先结合数字音频内容,选取稳定的能量、过零率作为特征向量并获得SVR训练模型,然后利用SVR训练模型自适应确定嵌入位置,最后采纳量化调制策略,分别在空间域和频率域内将同步码和数字水印嵌入到音频载体内。 2. This algorithm takes into consideration the important...
To solve the problems that support vector regression(SVR) models cannot actively select optimal parameters and kernel functions, we optimize the support vector regression model by the aquila optimizer(AO) and construct the aquila optimized support vector regression (AO-SVR) model. The four models, ...
A combined feature selection method based on ReliefF-SVR was implemented to simplify the calculation and improve the model performance. Twenty-four subjects were involved in this study and results showed that it was possible to achieve accurate estimation of Shoulder-Elbow FMA scores using the ...
Multiple local feature representations and their fusion based on SVR model for iris recognition using optimized Gabor filters [J]. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2014, 2014(1):95.He F;Liu YN;Zhu XD;.Multiple local feature representations and their fusion based on an SVR ...
1)TS-SVR modelTS-SVR模型 2)chaotic SVR model混沌SVR模型 3)TS modelTS模型 1.A new method of structural control based onTS model;基于TS模型的结构振动模糊控制方法 2.The construction ofTS modelbased on GK algorithm is presented in this paper.该文对构造基于GK算法的TS模型的方法进行了研究,并利...
Rainfall predictionIn this paper, a comparative study of adaptive neural fuzzy inference system and support vector machine regression models for the purpose of monthly rainfall prediction has been done. The models weredoi:10.1007/978-3-319-27212-2_6Akash Dutt Dubey...
特斯拉Model X、兰博基尼Urus、奔驰AMG G63、路虎揽胜运动版SVR,均为各自车型的最强动力版本,特斯拉Model X P100D为前后双电机,系统综合最大功率为568kW,峰值扭矩967Nm,也是其中唯一的电动车。 06:47 其余三辆燃油车中,Urus搭载的是4.0T双涡轮增压发动机,最大功率478kW,峰值扭矩850Nm,G63搭载的是4.0T双涡轮增压...
Short-term electrical load forecasting using the Support Vector Regression (SVR) model to calculate the demand response baseline for office buildings 来自 万方 喜欢 0 阅读量: 135 作者:Chen,Yongbao,Peng,Yiyi,Weilin,Yuntao,Lizhou,Wang 摘要: Demand Response (DR) aims at improving the operation ...
Re: st: Error using svrmodel From: Steven Samuels <> Prev by Date: st: Re: area between reference lines Next by Date: Re: st: Re: area between reference lines Previous by thread: Re: st: Error using svrmodel Next by thread: st: Combining household and per...