一、什么是“svn the hook script returned an error”的错误? 当我们向SVN提交代码的时候,通常都会使用预提交钩子进行审查,以确保提交的代码是合法和可靠的。如果这个过程中出现错误,比如代码格式问题等,那么就会引发“svn the hook script returned an error”的错误。 这个错误的具体表现有很多种,比如下面几种: ...
If the hook returns an error, the commit dialog stays open. If the returned error message contains paths on newline separated lines, those paths will get selected in the commit dialog after the error message is shown. 提交之前 在用户点击了提交对话框的确定按钮,并且实际的提交过程开始后被调...
By contrast you can also use the versioned svn:ignore or svn:global-ignores property to exclude files or directories from version control. Read 第 4.14 节 “忽略文件和目录” for more information. 将文件日期设置为“最后提交时间” 该选项通知 TortoiseSVN 在做检出或更新操作时,把文件日期设置为最后...
If the hook returns an error, the commit dialog stays open. If the returned error message contains paths on newline separated lines, those paths will get selected in the commit dialog after the error message is shown. 提交之前 在用户点击了提交对话框的确定按钮,并且实际的提交过程开始后被调用....
Subversion 1.8 introduces a new way to manage the environment of Subversion-executed hook scripts—the hook script environment configuration file. If a Subversion server finds a file named hooks-env in the repository's conf/ subdirectory, it parses that file as an INI-formatted configuration file...
svn报错:This error was generated by a custom hook script on the Subversion server.,rename一下,剪切一份,覆盖一下,提交。
First, make sure that each slave repository has a pre-revprop-change hook script which allows remote revision property changes. (This is standard procedure for being on the receiving end ofsvnsync.) Then log into the master server and configure each of the slave repository URIs to receive data...
exits with failure (non-zero), the txn is aborted, no commit# takes place, and STDERR is returned to the client. The hook# program can use the 'svnlook' utility to help it examine the txn.## On a Unix system, the normal procedure is to have 'pre-commit'# invoke other programs ...
This option tells TortoiseSVN to always apply local modifications to thesvn:externalsproperty when updating the working copy. 右键菜单配置 图4.69.设置对话框,右键菜单页面 该页面允许你指定:在TortoiseSVN的主上下文菜单中哪些条目可以直接在鼠标右键菜单显示,哪些在TortoiseSVN子菜单显示。默认情况下很多项未被勾...
Run the hook script: sh $REPOROOT/hooks/post-commit.tmpl $REPOROOT $REVNO where$REVNOis some revision number (for example the one returned bysvnlook youngest). After this you should receive an email with the details of the commit, or some error message should appear in the terminal that...