Skipped 'config/config.php' At revision 1897. Summary of conflicts: Skipped paths: 1 //之前我按了个p 解决 [root@localhost ceshi-www967067cn]# svn resolve --accept working config/config.php Resolved conflicted state of 'config/config.php' [root@localhost ceshi-www967067cn]# svn up G co...
(df)show diff,(e)edit file,(m)merge,(mc)myside of conflict,(tc)their side of conflict,(s)show all options:mcResolvedconflicted state of'HelloWorld.html'Summaryof conflicts:Textconflicts:0remaining(and1already resolved)
(dc)display-conflict-showallconflicts(ignoringmergedversion)#显示所有冲突 (mc)mine-conflict-acceptmyversionforallconflicts(same)#冲突以本地为准 (tc)theirs-conflict-accepttheirversionforallconflicts(same)#冲突以服务器为准 (mf)mine-full-acceptmyversionofentirefile(evennon-conflicts)#完全以本地为准 (t...
svn常见问题 1 Node remains in conflict 树的节点冲突 Tree conflict on 'xxx.php' > local file delete, incoming file edit upon update Select: (mc) keep affected local moves, (r) mark resolved (breaks moves), (p) postpone, (q) quit resolution, (h) help: q Summary of conflicts: 此问题...
Summary of conflicts: Tree conflicts: 1 用svn info查看冲突信息: $ svn info code/bar.c Path: code/bar.c Name: bar.c URL: … Tree conflict: local edit, incoming delete upon update ...
svn update出现skip问题处理 场景如下,svn在更新的时候出现自动跳过文件,无法更新跳过的文件,出现如下提示: Summary of conflicts: Skipped paths: 4 解决方法:使用 svn revert命令,后面加上要恢复的文件的路径,然后重新update就可以拉取最新的文件
Summary of conflicts: Text conflicts: 0 remaining (and 1 already resolved) 这边输入"mc",以本地的文件为主。你也可以使用其选项对冲突的文件进行不同的操作。 默认是更新到最新的版本,我们也可以指定更新到哪个版本 svn update -r6 此时工作副本是和仓库已经同步,可以安全地提交更改了 ...
Summary of conflicts: Text conflicts: 1 如果这个时候你查看一下工作拷贝,你会发现多了几个文件,对于每一个冲突的文件,svn会放置三个额外的未版本化文件到你的工作拷贝。 root@letuknowit:/home/kris/calc/trunk# ls -al m* -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 312 2012-09-20 16:35 main.c ...
用svn status(st)查看哪些文件冲突了: $ svn st M code/foo.c A + C code/bar.c > local edit, incoming delete upon update Summary of conflicts: Tree conflicts: 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 用svn info查看冲突信息: $ svn info code/bar.c ...