SVN每次操作都需要输入密码,操作相当麻烦,影响效率 解决方法 修改vi ~/.subversion/config 文件,将password-stores的值修改为simple,即 password-stores = simple [auth]###Setpassword stores used bySubversion. Theyshould be ### delimited by spaces orcommas.Theorder of values determines ### the orderinwh...
修改vi ~/.subversion/config 文件,将password-stores的值修改为simple,即 password-stores = simple [auth] ### Set password stores used by Subversion. They should be ### delimited by spaces or commas. The order of values determines ### the order in which password stores are used. ### Valid...
找到[auth]部分,并修改或添加password-stores选项。你可以指定使用哪种密码存储机制,例如gpg-agent、gnome-keyring等。如果你希望使用明文密码存储(尽管这不推荐,因为存在安全风险),你可以将password-stores设置为空,但请注意,从SVN 1.12版本开始,默认情况下禁用了明文密码存储。 保存并关闭文件。 示例: ini [auth]...
每次利用svn执行命令的时候总是需要输入密码,尤其是在工程的打包的时候,要输入很多次,非常麻烦。在参考了一些文章之后,感觉或多或少有些杂乱,总结了一下流程,大致如下。 1、在配置文件~/.subversion/config里面的[auth]部分添加(或修改)以下代码: 1[auth]2password-stores = gpg-agent 2、在~/.subversion/server...
# password-stores = gpg-agent,gnome-keyring,kwallet ### To disable all password stores, use an empty list: # password-stores = ### ### Set KWallet wallet used by Subversion. If empty or unset, ### then the default network wallet will be used. ...
password-stores = gpg-agent serversfile: [global] store-plaintext-passwords = no andstart gpg-agentin the formal way. most useful commands of server side: mkdir-p /home/user/svnrepos cd/home/user/svnrepossudosvnadmin create repo1sudosvnadmin create repo2 ...
password-stores = gnome-keyring [group1:/path/to/repository] url = svn://hostname/path/to/repository username = user1 b. 检查SVN客户端配置: 打开终端,运行以下命令来检查SVN客户端配置: svn info 如果配置正确,将显示版本库的URL等信息。
# password-stores = ### ### The rest of the [auth] section in this file has been deprecated. ### Both 'store-passwords' and 'store-auth-creds' can now be ### specified in the 'servers' file in your config directory ### and are documented there. Anything specified in this section...
问题描述SVN每次操作都需要输入密码,操作相当麻烦,影响效率解决方法修改vi ~/.subversion/config 文件,将password-stores的值修改为simple,即 password-stores = simple[auth]### Set password stores used by Subversion. They should be### delimited by s... 文章...
password-stores = gpg-agent passprompt = svn-simple [servers] [xxxxx] password-stores= store-plaintext-passwords = no ``` 5. 保存并退出配置文件,然后重新启动SVN服务。此时,SVN密码已经被加密存储在配置文件中。 通过以上步骤,我们成功地使用OpenSSL工具对SVN密码进行了加密,提高了密码的安全性。在日常使...