svn更新后报错,两个注意点。 Main manifest has <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion='19'> but library uses targetSdkVersion='20' 因为本地sdk与项目资源文件sdk不匹配,需要输入本地有的sdk版本号 No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Theme.Holo.Light' 这是因为更新的项目引包失败,重新...
However, if SVN permissions change, or if you alter your --ignore-paths option, a fetch may fail with "not found in commit" (file not previously visible) or "checksum mismatch" (missed a modification). If the problem file cannot be ignored forever (with --ignore-paths) the only way ...
Main manifest has <uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion='19'> but library uses targetSdkVersion='20'因为本地sdk与项目资源文件sdk不匹配,需要输入本地有的sdk版本号No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Theme.H android 版本号
if SVN permissions change, or if you alter your --ignore-paths option, afetchmay fail with "not found in commit" (file not previously visible) or "checksum mismatch" (missed a modification). If the problem file cannot be ignored forever (with --ignore-paths) the only way to repair the...
Multiple matches on a file will result in multiple propsets for that file; however, there is no guarantee that auto-props will be applied in the order in which they are listed in the config file, so you can't have one rule“override”another. You can find several examples of auto-props...
mime-typeproperty to the MIME type it found. If no mapping file is configured, or no mapping for your file's extension could be found, Subversion will fall back to heuristic algorithms to determine the file's MIME type. Depending on how it is built, Subversion 1.7 can make use of file...
can_compress()) { warn "Compress::Zlib could not be found; unhandled.log " . "files will not be compressed.\n"; } File::Find::find({ wanted => \&gc_directory, no_chdir => 1}, Git::SVN::svn_dir()); } ### utility functions ### sub rebase_cmd { my @cmd = qw/rebase/...
revision filtering - when found, revisions can be filtered further by their merge status (merged, not merged, is merge revision by itself) detailed revision information - different information about revision is available and can be shown using set of built-in views: compact view, summary view, ...
This option corresponds to the 'use-commit-times' option that can be found in the SVN's config file under the [miscellany] section. Returns: true if commit-times are enabled, otherwise falsegetIgnorePatternsjava.lang.String[] getIgnorePatterns()Returns...
print"lets see if we can find .svn/entries"#disabling redirection to make sure no redirection based 200ok is captured.r=requests.get(url +"/.svn/entries", verify=False,allow_redirects=False,proxies=(proxy_dict))ifr.status_code == 200:print"SVN Entries Found if no file listed check wc....