1.配置正确的情况下,检查SVN服务端口的连通性是否正常:netstat -anpt | grep port nc -z IP SVN port echo $? 返回0则表示正常。 2.误删 SVN DB 数据 (db/revs/0),导致版本丢失而报错 (也有可能是提交版本库时突然断电导致的) 注意平时事项:定时备份DB数据 3解决... 能找回数据是最好的。不能的话只...
(图片来源网络,侵删) 错误分析 1. 网络问题 如果您的SVN服务器是远程的,网络不稳定或连接超时可能导致导出失败。 可能出现的错误信息: "RA layer request failed" "svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly" 解决方案: 检查网络连接是否稳定。 尝试使用ping命令检查服务器是否可达。 查看防火墙或代理设置,确保它...
当遇到“svn the server unexpectedly closed the connection”错误时,通常表明SVN客户端在尝试与服务器通信时连接被意外关闭。这个问题可能由多种原因引起,以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认SVN服务器状态: 在服务器上,你可以使用如下命令来检查SVN服务的状态: bash service svn status 如果服务未运行,使用以下命令启...
昨天也发生过,今天晚上9点左右到现在 一直不行 up log submit都不行 svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly ylywyn 9年前 复制链接地址 是的,我的也用不了了 Zoker 9年前 复制链接地址 再试下? cyrus_lee 9年前 复制链接地址 现在可以了~ 谢谢 cyrus_lee 9年前 复制链接地址 close ...
"Network connection closed unexpectedly" msgstr "网络连接意外关闭" msgid "Network read/write error" msgstr "网络读写错误" msgid "Client/server version mismatch" msgstr "客户端/服务器版本不匹配" msgid "Cannot negotiate authentication mechanism" msgstr "无法协商认证机制" msgid "Initialization of SSPI ...
SVN 提交 下载,都出现Network connection closed unexpectedly,求帮忙看看,2天了
: Error: 210002 (Network connection closed unexpectedly) Description: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion [size=medium][/size]: in "~/.ssh"文件夹中,删掉known_hosts文件...
msgid "Network connection closed unexpectedly" msgstr "网络连接意外关闭" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:825 msgid "Network read/write error" msgstr "网络读写错误" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:837 msgid "Client/server version mismatch" msgstr "客户端/服务器版本不匹配" #: ../include...
msgid "Network connection closed unexpectedly" msgstr "网络连接意外关闭" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:825 msgid "Network read/write error" msgstr "网络读写错误" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:837 msgid "Client/server version mismatch" ...
"Network connection closed unexpectedly" msgstr "网络连接意外关闭" msgid "Network read/write error" msgstr "网络读写错误" msgid "Client/server version mismatch" msgstr "客户端/服务器版本不匹配" msgid "Cannot negotiate authentication mechanism" msgstr "无法协商认证机制" msgid "Initialization of SSPI ...