msgid "Entry has no revision" msgstr "条目没有版本" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:293 msgid "Entry has no URL" msgstr "入口没有 URL" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:297 msgid "Entry has an invalid attribute" msgstr "条目有无效属性" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:303 msgid...
msgid "Entry has no revision" msgstr "条目没有版本" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:293 msgid "Entry has no URL" msgstr "入口没有 URL" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:297 msgid "Entry has an invalid attribute" msgstr "条目有无效属性" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:303 msgid...
msgid "Entry has no URL" msgstr "入口没有 URL" msgid "Entry has an invalid attribute" msgstr "条目有无效属性" msgid "Can't create an entry for a forbidden name" msgstr "不能为禁用的名称创建条目" msgid "Obstructed update" msgstr "更新阻塞" msgid "Mismatch popping the WC unwind stack" ...
privatestaticfinal Logger LOGGER=LoggerFactory.getLogger(SVNUtil.class);private String svnUrl;private String filePath;private String userName;private String password;private File localFile;privatefinalint latest_revision=-1;public SVNUtil(String svnUrl,String userName,String password,File file) {this(user...
The svn-remote has no fetch entry. TortoiseGit requires it. $ git svn init -s https://server2008/svn/ZBMSH/Hardware/Software/zbm_studio/trunks --prefix=origin/ Initialized empty Git repository in D:/Hardware/Test/.git/ Using higher level of URL: https://server2008/svn/ZBMSH/Hardware/So...
SVN® International - a leading full-service CRE firm that accelartes client growth through the collective strength of shared data, knowledge, and opportunities.
msgid "Entry has no revision" msgstr "条目没有版本" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:293 msgid "Entry has no URL" msgstr "入口没有 URL" #: ../include/svn_error_codes.h:297 msgid "Entry has an invalid attribute" msgstr "条目有无效属性" ...
the original tree to diff against, (b) the new tree result, (c) the URL of the target Subversion repository. The final argument (URL) may be omitted if you are working from agit svn-aware repository (that has beeninit-ed withgit svn). The -r<revision> option is required for this....
To get a working copy, you mustcheck outsome subtree of the repository. (The termcheck outmay sound like it has something to do with locking or reserving resources, but it doesn't; it simply creates a working copy of the project for you.) For example, if you check out/calc, you wil...
In the logs, find and click the deletion entry for the file to see its details. Right-click the deleted file and select Save Revision To... In the save dialog box, enter the file name and click Save (S) to restore the deleted file to its original location. Return to the original fo...