1、checkout时,提示:URL svn:// doesn't exist... 奇怪,怎么会提示库不存在呢?肯定是哪里配置问题。后来尝试了半天,也在网上搜索了很久,终于发现问题所在。 如果你的svn库的路径为:/home/svn/svntest 那么你启动时,不能用命令: svnserve -d -r /home/svn/svntest 而要用命令: svn...
--root 是设置根目录 比如:原来你访问为:svn://localhost/svn 设置--root E:\ceshi之后缩写为svn://localhost这个一定要注意,否则Error: URL 'svn://localhost/svn'doesn't exist 5、配置用户和权限 用文本编辑器打开E:\svn\repos1\conf目录,修改svnserve.conf: 将: [general] anon-access = none auth-...
msgid "URL '%s' doesn't exist" msgstr "URL “%s” 不存在" #: ../libsvn_client/checkout.c:95 #, c-format msgid "URL '%s' refers to a file, not a directory" msgstr "URL “%s” 指向一个文件,不是目录" #: ../libsvn_client/checkout.c:167 #, c-format msgid "'%s' is alre...
1、checkout时,提示:URL svn:// doesn't exist... 奇怪,怎么会提示库不存在呢?肯定是哪里配置问题。后来尝试了半天,也在网上搜索了很久,终于发现问题所在。 如果你的svn库的路径为:/home/svn/svntest 那么你启动时,不能用命令: svnserve -d -r /home/svn/svntest 而要用命令: svn...
“%s” 于版本 %ld 中的 changed-path 信息" #, c-format msgid "Path '%s' doesn't exist in revision %ld" msgstr "路径 “%s” 不在版本 %ld 中" #, c-format msgid "'%s' in revision %ld is an unrelated object" msgstr "“%s” 于版本 %ld 是一个无关对象" #, c-format msgid "...
(如果出现svn: E170000: URL 'svn://localhost/test' doesn't exist ,使用svnserve启动服务器时的目录可能有错误,必须是svnadmin建立仓库时的上一级目录) (svn客户端tortoise也可以使用 svn://ip/repo1 地址下载仓库)
提示:7.1、'svn://' doesn't exist 是你所给的URL不存在,URL写到电脑IP就可以了 7.2、URL正确了,提示 Can't create directory '/Users/a123456/SVNTest/.svn': Permission denied 是你checkout的目的文件夹没有访问权限, 7.3、使用如下命令修改访问权限 (同时也要打开代码库svn的权限) ...
1、通用的。直接先备份,然后将本地删除,然后充仓库里面checkout出最新的文件,然后将备份的修改加入最新的文件,然后提交就搞定啦 。。 2、localy new,本地新建。这写内容在被commit之前,可以做任何改变,包括删除,比如你新建一个目录,然后删除,那么下次commit的时候就不会体现这个过程,当没有发生过一样。所以说当...
If this option is specified, for each SVN committer name that does not exist in the authors file, the given file is executed with the committer name as the first argument. The program is expected to return a single line of the form "Name <email>" or "Name <>", which will be treated...
Why pay to host a broken VCS and struggle with how to use SVN when you could upgrade to a VCS that’s fast enough for your team? Many teams need a VCS that scales, has faster performance, supports global teams, and meets their security and regulation needs. Overcome the development chall...