"Conflict not set" 错误通常发生在SVN尝试解决文件冲突时,但由于某些原因未能正确标记冲突状态。 检查本地代码库状态: 使用svn status 命令来查看本地代码库的状态,特别是关注那些有冲突标记的文件(通常显示为 C)。 解决冲突: 对于有冲突的文件,你需要手动解决这些冲突。首先,备份你的本地修改,以防万一。 使用...
svn忽略unity svn conflict not set 今天工作中svn up工作目录的时候,发现有冲突的文件都自动执行跳过操作了,并且没有选项可以让我选择(如下图) 记得以前有冲突的时候让我选择操作我有主动选择mark resolved,然后svn现在就自动帮我跳过了冲突处理,不过问题还是存在的。 解决办法: 在有冲突的目录下执行 svn resolve ...
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51CTO博客已为您找到关于svn conflict not set的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及svn conflict not set问答内容。更多svn conflict not set相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options: p C Makefile Updated to revision 5. Summary of conflicts: Text conflicts: 1 多人同时编辑同一个文件时,可能会遇到冲突。别人先于我提交,则当我提交时要先更新。更新可能...
Couldnotauthenticatetoserver: rejectedBasicchallenge(http://svn.moon.ossxp) 错误的口令 用正确的用户名/口令登录 svn:方法OPTIONS失败于 “http://svn.moon.ossxp/svn/test”:认证失败:Couldnot authenticatetoserver:rejectedBasicchallenge (http://svn.moon.ossxp) 3. svn:Serversentunexpectedreturnvalue(403...
not supported in this context" msgstr "此上下文不支持路径语法" msgid "Invalid schedule" msgstr "无效的调度" msgid "Invalid relocation" msgstr "无效重定位" msgid "Invalid switch" msgstr "无效的切换" msgid "Changelist doesn't match" msgstr "修改列表不匹配" msgid "Conflict resolution failed" ...
$ svn up Conflict discovered in 'Makefile'. Select: (p) postpone, (df) diff-full, (e) edit, (mc) mine-conflict, (tc) theirs-conflict, (s) show all options: p C Makefile Updated to revision 5. Summary of conflicts: Text conflicts: 1 ...
A conflict occurs if you attempt to commit a file that already has a newer repository version. Your commit fails. To resolve the issue, back up your on-premises project, check out the latest project files from the SVN repository, change the latest project files on premises, and then commit...
#, c-format msgid "Can't set process '%s' child errfile" msgstr "无法设置“%s”的子进程错误输出文件" #, c-format msgid "Can't set process '%s' child errfile for error handler" msgstr "无法为错误处理函数设置“%s”的子进程错误输出文件" ...