例子:如果你在一个文本分类任务中遇到了非线性可分的数据,使用核技巧可以在高维空间中找到一个能够将数据有效分开的决策边界。 双重问题和主问题(Dual and Primal Problems) 在SVM中,优化问题通常可以转换为其对偶问题,这样做的好处是对偶问题往往更容易求解,并且能更自然地引入核函数。双重问题与主问题通过所谓的对偶...
The Boston house-price data has been used in many machine learning papers that address regression problems. .. topic:: References - Belsley, Kuh & Welsch, 'Regression diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity', Wiley, 1980. 244-261. - Quinlan,R. (1993). Combining ...
是仿射函数。上述凸优化问题成为凸二次规划问题(convex QP problems),上述问题便会有唯一解。 2.2 支持向量(Support vectors) 拉格朗日对偶性转化为对偶问题(dual problems)。对偶问题往往更加方便求解并且方便引入核函数,推广到非线性分类问题(下篇文章讲述)。 ,将 表示为向量的形式为: ,因此,对于所有的 , 根据拉格...
1 逻辑回归的应用场景 2 逻辑回归的原理 2.1 输入 2.2 激活函数 3 损失以及优化 3.1 损失 3.2...
A support vector machine is a supervised learning method used widely for classification and regression tasks. Get started with code examples and tutorials.
关于常见的分类算法在不同数据集上的分类效果,在《Do we Need Hundreds of Classifiers to Solve Real World Classification Problems?》这个篇论文上有比较完善的总结,因为文章内容比较长,这边我总结了下我认为比较关键的一些结论: 仅仅参考论文评价我们常用的: ...
Sigmoid kernel.This kernel function is similar to the RBF kernel but has a different shape that can be useful for some classification problems. The choice of kernel function for an SVM algorithm is a tradeoff between accuracy and complexity. The more powerful kernel functions, such as the RBF ...
To solve class imbalance problems may optimization algorithms have been proposed in the literature. One among them is bio-inspired optimization algorithm. These algorithms are used to optimize the feature or instance selection. In this paper, a new bio-inspired algorithm called Chaotic Salp Swarm ...