svg-to-component svg-react-transformer svg-to-react-k Using command line: svg-to-react-cli svg2react svg-react-transformer-writer react-svg-converter Or using a Webpack loader: svg-react-loader svg-react-transformer-loader Or using a browserify loader: svg-reactify Or using gulp / grunt ...
svg-to-jsx SVG to JSX converter JSX SVG React jannanista •1.0.4•3 years ago•28dependents•MITpublished version1.0.4,3 years ago28dependentslicensed under $MIT 137,700 ekeric13 •2.3.0•7 years ago•56dependents•BSD-3-Clausepublished version2.3.0,7 years ago56dependentsli...
asset-system is a cross platform SVG based asset system for React and React-Native. This mono-repo is the home for all asset-* packages. reactsvgreact-nativeassetssvgsasset-bundleasset-systemasset-providerasset-parserasset-webpackasset-list ...
react-component react-native ios android windows SVG ART VML gradient jake7 •15.11.2•13 days ago•2,112dependents•MITpublished version15.11.2,13 days ago2112dependentslicensed under $MIT 5,673,164 gsap GSAP is a framework-agnostic JavaScript animation library that turns developers into ...
Batch convert SVG to PNG Use our converter to batch convert SVG images to PNG easily, or sign up for our free API to automatically convert all your SVG images to PNG! Workflow Automation Create automated workflows with preset configurations to save time and ensure that files are automatically ...
Copy URL to clipboard Node.jsReactVue.jsAngularJSPythonPHPJavaRuby.NETDartiOSAndroidFlutterKotlinReact Native cloudinary.image("hiking_dog_mountain.jpg", {transformation: [ {aspect_ratio: "0.5", gravity: "auto", width: 433, crop: "fill"}, {quality: "auto"}, {fetch_format: "auto"} ]})...
SVG 2 JSX Star on Cleanup IDs Quotes Memo Typescript Input SVG JSX Output Drag and drop your file here Upload your file 1 1
(); // 创建一个HtmlToPdfOptions对象,并设置打印背景选项为false SelectPdf.HtmlToPdfOptions options = new SelectPdf.HtmlToPdfOptions(); options.PrintBackground = false; // 将选项应用于转换器 converter.Options = options; // 将HTML内容转换为PDF文档 SelectPdf.PdfDocument doc = converter.Convert...
Code Issues Pull requests This is a command-line tool for converting SVG to PNG in multiple resolutions (@1x @2x @3x) svg converter png react-native images svg2png Updated May 3, 2023 JavaScript kitty-panics / convert-tools Star 11 Code Issues Pull requests [Linux] 各种文件格式转换...
SVG to PNG Icon Converter This package converts SVG icons to multiple PNG icons with required sizes. (Useful for React-Native applications) Installation npm install icon-svg-to-png Input A directory containing a list of svg icons. Desired output sizes (optional). ...