I learned svg animation in Gsap in React. So I tryed import that in my project in this method: importReact, {useRef, useEffect}from'react'import'./App.css';import{ReactComponentasScene}from'./undraw_Share_opinion_re_4qk7.svg'importgsapfrom'gsap'functionApp() {constwrapper =useRef(null)...
declare module'*.svg'{ importReact = require('react'); exportconst ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>>; const src: string; exportdefaultsrc; } 然后在 tsconfig.json 中加入: 注意2 、通过对 create-react-app 进行 eject , 查看配置发现,还需要给 webpack 加入配置...
使用CreateReactApp创建的项目,可直接导入SVG文件作为React组件:importReactComponent as Logo from’./logo.svg’。Webpack配置中需确认file-loader处理SVG资源,该方法自动将SVG转换为React组件实例。优势在于保持代码整洁,但动态修改颜色等属性时需通过props传递,部分旧版本构建工具可能产生兼容性问题。 通过img标签引用...
将SVG组件添加到React可能无法正常工作的原因有多种可能性,以下是一些常见的原因和解决方法: 1. 语法错误:检查SVG组件的语法是否正确,包括标签闭合、属性命名等。确保SVG代码是有效的,并且...
importLogofrom"./assets/google.svg"; JavaScript Achieving this, however, requires some additional tweaks since we’re using Create React App, which already has some default configurations in place. We need to modify the SVGR configurations already set up by Create React App. ...
1. SVG元素内的React组件无法渲染 原因:可能是由于React组件的JSX语法与SVG元素的属性不兼容导致的。 解决方法: 代码语言:txt 复制 import React from 'react'; const MyComponent = () => ( <svg width="100" height="100"> <rect x="10" y="10" width="80" height="80" fill="blue" /> <text...
import React from 'react'; import SVG from 'react-inlinesvg'; export default function App() { return ( <SVG src="https://cdn.svgporn.com/logos/react.svg" width={128} height="auto" title="React" /> ); }Propssrc {string} -...
Wiki Security Insights Additional navigation options New issue Open Description haizhilin2013 haizhilin2013 added reactreact on Jul 18, 2019 importReactfrom'react';importlogofrom'./logo.png';// Tell Webpack this JS file uses this imagefunctionHeader(){// Import result is the URL of your image...
In your webpack.config.js: { test: /\.svg$/, use: ['babel-loader', 'svgr/webpack', 'url-loader'], } In your code: import starUrl, { ReactComponent as Star } from './star.svg' const App = () => ( <Star /> ) Options SVGR ships with a handful of customizable optio...
declaremodule"*.svg"{importReactfrom"react";import{SvgProps}from"react-native-svg";constcontent:React.FC<SvgProps>;exportdefaultcontent;} Configuring SVGR (how SVG images get transformed) SVGRhas a configuration file, which makes it possible for you to customize how SVG images get transformed ...