Mozilla is not reacting to "fit: BoxFit.contain" property properly, it works fine in Chrome and Edge but not in Mozilla. I've a cdn with SVGs images and I use to show them, Mozilla has an strange behaviour with the property BoxFit.contain, as shown in the following ...
I tried changing img to image, but it did not work, so I am assuming Chrome is having issues with the original PNG file being saved as a SVG. I have changed to using a PNG file as the background image and it works cross browser now. Thanks all for the help. August 17, 2016 at ...
showing a default icon and the name of the file (as seen in the previous image). While this still all works, it doesn’t really help you much as unless you memorized the file names of your SVGs you won’t know which is which. What it should display is the image itself, not a pl...
The following examples are exported with: options.cssProperties=SVGCSSPropertyLocation.STYLEELEMENTS;...doc.exportFile(fileObjSingle,ExportType.SVG,svgOptions); The AI file looks like this: The old format looked like this (Illustrator 28.3): <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding...
janseris opened on May 18, 2022 Description SVG on splashscreen is showing on all previous versions of Android. On Android 12, only the background color is rendered and the foreground image is not visible. Discovered on Sony Xperia 5 II but Android Emulator with Android 12 has the same ...
driving me crazy as I've seen a youtube video (attached) with the author importing SVG files into fusion and I followed every step but somehow it's not showing the stroke outline around the words. I've attached the HBD SVG file and a screenshot of the SVG file when I import into ...
Minimal example showing SVG conversion of a hiccup-canvas scene (also another compatible approach): import{svg}from"";import{serialize}from"";import{writeFileSync}from"node:fs";// scene tree defined for hiccup-canvasconstscene=[["defs",{...
<svg></svg> This method works in all major browsers, except for IE9+. However Jonathan Neal’sSVG4everybody scriptcan even solve this problem, as is clearly explained inSVGusewith External Source. Resources I think there are lots of exciting possibilities...
Your browser does not support SVGs // Add to very start of SVG file before <svg> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style.css"?> // In style.css .firstb { fill: yellow; } .secondb { fill: red; } JSManipulation My JavaScript knowledge is pretty minimal, so I’m just goin... web page that will inform the viewer of the browser’s support for different color font formats, inclusing OpenType-SVG. (The source code is at ...