function changeColor() { shape.setAttribute("fill", "#FF0000"); } shape.addEventListener("click", changeColor); </script> </body> </html> 这样,当你在浏览器中打开该HTML文件并点击矩形形状时,它的填充颜色将会变为红色。这个方法同样适用于其他形状和路径,只需要根据需要修改相应的id和setAttribute()...
"x="10"y="10"width="30"height="30"/></svg><button onclick="changeColors()">Change Colors</button><script>functionchangeColors(){'--circle-color','red');'--rect-color','blue');}</script></body></htm...
fill:hsl(189, 68%, 75%, 0%); animation: color-change 1s ease-in forwards 3.8s; } //每个字母的描边动画执行时间和开始时间不同 path:nth-child(1){ stroke-dasharray: 246; stroke-dashoffset: 246; animation: show 1s linear forwards; } path:nth-child(2){ stroke-dasharray: 253; stroke-da...
对于渐变颜色的设置,我们不能像在css中那样,直接写fill="linear-gradient(color1, color2)",而要使用专门的渐变标签:<linearGradient>(线性渐变) 和<radialGradient>(径向渐变)。 线性渐变 基础使用 先来看一个最简单的例子,如何绘制一个线性渐变的矩形: <svg> <defs> <linearGradient id="gradient-test"> <s...
.card h2 { z-index: 1; /* 设置标题z-index为1 */ color: white; /* 设置标题颜色为...
<stop stop-color="#FFD75A"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#ED424B"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg> 虽然看着多,但后面作用更大,可以添加更多的CSS样式 三、SVG 在 HTML 中的应用 其实前面的这段SVG可以直接放到HTML中用了,比如 Chromium has shipped this change, and therefore web pages that previously had readable SVG icons in high-contrast mode now have broken icons that don't change to match the currentColor. ...
This way, the SVG is still in charge of essentially drawing the shape, but the color comes from thebackground-color(or image! or gradient!) behind it rather than the SVG itself. SVG background images as data URLs This doesn’t change that much from above, but it does open up one int...
The SVG description for a color glyph is a complete, integrated piece of artwork; no additional glyphs are required for the SVG description. In theCOLR table, however, a color glyph may require components that have separate glyph IDs. The conservation of 16-bit glyph IDs when using the SVG...
个人比较喜欢 mask-image 方案。↓ background-color: red;-webkit-mask-image: url(xxx.svg);...