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README GPL-3.0 license AFreeSvg 一个可以在安卓上绘制svg图片的库 用法类似安卓canvas,通过SVGCanvas绘制图形,然后可以导出svg文件 使用方法 gradle添加jitpack仓库和依赖 maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } implementation 'com.github.feiyin0719:AFreeSvg:0.0.6' ...
README ISC license D3: Data-Driven Documents D3 (or D3.js) is a free, open-source JavaScript library for visualizing data. Its low-level approach built on web standards offers unparalleled flexibility in authoring dynamic, data-driven graphics. For more than a decade D3 has powered groundbr...
Free SVG illustrations (commercial and personal use) under the CC0 license (MIT license) — No attribution required. If you like to, you can buy me a coffee while downloading your free illustrations. AI Icons Website Work Package Service Illustration ...
You can export the animation in SVG, GIF, and Webm formats. Learn more -https://davv.store/svg_motion There is no subscription! You pay once and get unlimited access. Free plan features: ✣ animation type: direct ✣ speed settings ...
Readme Code Beta 4 Dependencies 1 Dependents 36 Versions svg-annotator A vue2 component you can use to wrap any content to enable on-the-go annotations and pdf generation. Features: . create shapes (rectangle, circle, arrow) . freehand drawing . add text (includes bullet points mode) . ...
Hello Streamline, first of all great icons and awesome plugin! But from some time yesterday is unable to load any kind of icons... paid nor free. After small checks on the requests it's seems some issue with your Express server because the preflight call is ok but alongside call f...
If you find a bug or desire a new feature, feel free to report it in the GitHub issue tracker, or write the code yourself and make a pull request.For more details on contributing, see the CONTRIBUTING.md file.Readme Keywordsnone
Quickly get your artwork ready to print, embroider, cut, and more with the world's best full-color auto-tracer! Online Automatically convert JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF bitmap images to true SVG, EPS, and PDF vector images online by simply uploading them. Real full-color tracing, no software...