Our very first, server-rendered load of our app (assuming we start at the/listpage) will be fetched on the server. SvelteKit will serialize and send this data down to our client. What’s more, it will observe theCache-Controlheaderon the response, and will know to use this cached data ...
import { api } from '$lib/api'; import { blogs } from '$lib/store'; export const load = async ({ fetch }) => { const resBlogs = await api({ url: 'api/blogs', serverFetch: fetch }); if (resBlogs) { blogs.next(resBlogs.body); return { props: {}, cache: { maxage: 0...
Rich walks through building a search page that will request data from the API for movies that relate to the user input search query. Movie Page 04:20:27 - 04:38:25View Transcript Rich walks through building a page that will contain information about the selected movie, including, description...
File Sort Modes By default, all of the build files* will be sorted as the default mode of"pre-cache". This means that once your service worker has installed, your assets will always be accessible. However, this often won't provide the best experience. So, you might want to change the ...
By default, all of the build files* will be sorted as the default mode of"pre-cache". This means that once your service worker has installed, your assets will always be accessible. However, this often won't provide the best experience. So, you might want to change the modes of some ...
No cache is found in the context The shouldAvoidCache function return true The avoidCache request option is set to true The revalidation process uses thewaitUntilcloudflare function in order to be executed in the background and not to block the main response to be delivered. ...
caches: CacheStorage & { default: Cache } } interface Session {} interface Stuff {} } Access the added KV or Durable objects (or generally anybinding) in your endpoint withenv: exportasyncfunctionpost(context){ constcounter=context.platform.env.COUNTER.idFromName("A"); ...
caches: CacheStorage & { default: Cache }; } } } export {}; import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare'; export default { kit: { adapter: adapter({ // See below for an explanation of these options routes: { include: ['/*'], exclude: ['<all>'] } }) } }; Edit page ...
除了页面外,您还可以使用+server.js文件(有时称为“API路由”或“端点”)定义路由,从而完全控制响应。您的+server.js文件导出与HTTP动词相对应的函数,如GET、POST、PATCH、PUT、DELETE和OPTIONS,这些函数接受RequestEvent参数并返回一个Response对象。 例如,我们可以创建一个带有GET处理程序的/api/random-number路由:...
response.headers.set('x-custom-header','potato'); returnresponse; } 你可以定义多个处理函数,并使用序列助手函数执行它们。 resolve还支持第二个可选参数,该参数可以更好地控制响应的呈现方式。该参数是一个对象,可以具有以下字段: transformPageChunk(opts:{html:string,done:boolean}):MaybePromise <string |...