Sveaskog sold a pair of MTNs totalling 600 million Swedish Kroner to domestic investors. The first MTN was valued at 340 million Swedish Kroner while the second note had a size of 260 million Swedish Kroner.EBSCO_bspEuroweek
2006. Usage of OR tools for logistics support in forest operations at Sveaskog after the storm Gudrun, In Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Edited by A. Dolgui, G. Morel, C. Pereira, A Proceedings volume from the 12th IFAC International Symposium, St Etienne, France, 17-19 May...
‘CorporateSocialResponsibility’(CSR)work.The aimofmythesisistodescribethephenomenonofFSC,bothpracticallyandtheoretically, fromastakeholderapproach.Ihavepickedouttwocompanieswhichareheavilyinvolvedin theFSCpractice,IKEAandSveaskog.Thetwocompaniesareimportantplayersinshaping anddevelopingFSC.Thedifferentpracticesare...
2006. Usage of OR tools for logistics support in forest operations at Sveaskog after the storm Gudrun, In Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Edited by A. Dolgui, G. Morel, C. Pereira, A Proceedings volume from the 12th IFAC International Symposium, St Etienne, France, 17-19 May...
Hrvatska glazbena batina zborskog pjevanja u opeobrazovnom sustavu - tragom glazbenih sveanosti hrvatske mladeidoi:10.59549/n.164.3-4.3FOLK musicELEMENTARY schoolsThis paper considers the position of the Croatian musical heritage of choral singing in the general education system base...