SV305 planetary camera compatible with Windows system; Linux system; Mac OS system; and Raspberry Pi system; Windows driver 1.3.7 version; support ASCOM driver; PHD2 guiding software; not support Phone system; Long exposure can reach 30 minutes; high-speed; medium-speed; low-speed three outpu...
And I just returned it, just because things weren't as I expected. And they were really welcoming when I wanted to buy sv503 ed 102mm. And I actually bought it. And then I went to another booth to buy sv305c. And I went to another booth just to buy 40mm guide scope. ...
SV105C, SV205 and SV205C. The SV305 and above can work with multiple cameras attached to one computer but not the lower models. An example of this is, when using my SV705C, I cannot use my SV105C as a guide camera. Very strange. ...