Cluster numberMeasure of overlapMeasure of compactnessMeasure of separationKrista Rizman Zalik and Borut Zalik proposed indices SV and OS associating with separation and compactness or overlap. Compactness and overlap were calculated by a few data points of a cluster, which makes the indices able ...
SOLLERS PJSC (SVAV) 莫斯科 创建提醒 添加至投资组合 780.50 0.00 0.00% 04:49:59 - 实时数据. RUB 货币类型: 股票 市场: 俄罗斯 ISIN: RU0006914488 S/N: 1-01-02461-D 量: 0 卖价/买价: 0.00 / 0.00 当日幅度: 767.00 - 793.50 SOLLERS ...
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll Stores the indices for a control array. C# Kopiera protected System.Collections.Hashtable indices; Field Value Hashtable Remarks The BaseControlArray class is the base class for all control arrays used in applications upgraded from Visual Basic 6.0...
Z. Pawlak's RS Model finds various applications in Knowledge Engineering confined with information systems. Considering its importance, as Zadeh's Fuzzy Model and Atanassov's intuitionistic Fuzzy Model are being combined with RS Model. In particular, G. Ganesan et al., derived a tool for indexin...
This document aims to outline the different credit indices owned and managed by Markit, their characteristics and differences, and how they trade. We focus on synthetic indices backed by single name bonds CDS (senior unsecured) and single name loans CDS (senior secured): the Markit CDX and Mark...
Khalil Dideban cScience of The Total EnvironmentNadiri AA, Taheri Z, Khatibi R, Barzegari G, Dideban K (2018c) Introducing a new framework for mapping subsidence vulnerability indices (SVIs): ALPRIFT. Sci Total Environ 628-629:1043-1057...
A function to compute indices of minimum values of a distance vectorAntoine Stevens
We find that adding jumps to the stochastic volatility diffusion is needed to explain the statistical characteristics of return data series. With such a model, we are able to replicate the degree of asymmetry and kurtosis observed in the four stock market indices considered, providin...