真空泵SV16BSV25BSV40BSV65BSV100BSV300B 入口过滤器F.004 京东价 ¥ 降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 品牌名称: GJXBP 商品型号: - 订货编码: 10107883308163 包装规格: - 选择型号 SV16B(960165)单相 SV16B(960165)三相 SV25B (960251T)三相 SV40B(960305...
摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To prevent an insert and a headrest from becoming heavy even when the tilting angle range of a pillow part is set large, to facilitate molding and to prevent the buffering property of the pillow part from being damaged....