this thing REALLY hates getting twaved, especially booster energy sets that don't even want to come out till they're ready to sweep this thing checks litterally every physical threat under the sun, but also letting dozo get chipped is if anything a good thing for you since BO (the main...
just use faster mons or booster energy if anything its arguable that rs is better than single rn since its offensive typing for the meta RN is better considering the amount of fairy spammers and zama c and magearna's literally everywhere DoofV3 May 27, 2023 #12,068 Aww, I wanted to...
Booster Energy was a important ban for both of those types while Dark is still strong as always, with Chien-Pau and Chi-Yu being really strong breakers while having screens support and Ting-Lu that can easily set up hazards, altho they don't have a real removal. Click to expand... ...