the final one, saw me pinning the throttle at the end of its play and lying on the gas tank, for aerodynamic benefit, to get 120km/h out of the 250. I may have reached speeds of 125km/h or so, but I think that was the morning that I skipped breakfast...
跨境铃木摩托车配件GN250125H油箱盖 Fuel Gas Tank Cap Cover 货号 YXG-GN125H 瑞安市罗凤光明摩配厂 19年 回头率: 44.7% 浙江 瑞安市 ¥7.60 成交65个 摩托车配件适用于哈雷太子前小灯铃木太子GN125巡航车雾灯边灯 广州摩尔机车部件有限公司 5年 回头率: 35.7% 广东 广州市白云区 1 2 3 4...