GSXR Forums GSXR General ForumNew GSXR 600, GSXR 750, GSXR 1000, GSXR 1300 GSXR 125 GSXR 250 Forum. Threads 586 Messages 1.3K D Won't rev past 4000rpm Jan 23, 2025 Dannyparks72 GSXR Slingshot Where it all started Threads 28 Messages ...
Superb bike, more like a 600 than a 1000. I know this because I had my GSXR1000 K6 in for a service and had the 750 as a loan bike. Having had an accident earlier in the year, I needed a lighter bike, so traded in my 1000 for the 750.Some people may say the engine is gut...
just build your own GSX-R1000RR from off the shelf parts. Even better, it seems we’ll see a ready made bike showing up in, or at least being offered through dealers.
Once you start comparing with the Busa and GSXR, the bar is very high. Then this rivals directly the R's of Yamaha and CBR's of Honda and GSXR's of Suzuki! Final verdict: To be honest, I can neither complain nor praise the motorcycle completely. There are so many goods to fall in...