r pm f r g mp g Maintenance, Environment, and Energy-saving Meeting Environment and Facilities Engineering Group (organizer), Production Control Department r k rg r Environment Committee at domestic plants and die plants Group manufacturing company (eight plants of four companies) rr r rm ...
The system was so ingenious that the patent office of the new democratic government granted Suzuki a financial subsidy to continue research in motorcycle engineering, and so was born Suzuki Motor Corporation. In 1953, The Diamond Free is introduced and features double-sprocket wheel mechanism and ...
3Department of Materials Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Matsuyama 790‑8577, Japan. 4Department of Chemistry, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, P. O. Box 49195‑467, Zanjan, Iran. *email: sjt.rezaei@znu.ac.ir; aliramazani...
LLiitthhiiaattiioonn//bboorryyllaattiioonn//SSuuzzuukki–i–MMiyiyaauuraraccrroossss-c-coouupplilninggsseeqquueenncceeooffhheetteerrooaarreenneess wwiitthh aarryyll hhaallAiiddpeepss liiinncaaatflifoloonwwossfyytsshtteeemmm.. ethod was realized to show the scope of the reaction [84]....
Jianying Tong 2, Jianzhong Jin 2 and Pengfei Zhang 3 1 School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Jiangsu University of Technology, Changzhou 213001, China; zkai86@163.com 2 College of Biology and Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou 310015, China; tjy132@msn.com...
Exactly same reaction carried out with Pd-cys-AuNPs only resulted in the formation of the C-C coupling product with a low yield (31%), which indicates the strong potential of interface engineering between the Pd-Au nanostructure in obtaining improved photocatalytic activity. 2.7. Photocatalytic ...