Equipment 3 out of 5 (3/5) The Suzuki GS500E is a basic package and, for the money, you can’t really complain. Comfy seat, wide bars, a grabrail and an adjustable brake lever almost cover it. The fuel tank’s pretty huge on the GS500E.Search...
I have a gs 500 e and My carburetor acts up around 100 to 110 km n looses fuel I’m thinking. Have to knock it down a gear n full throttle it n it will pick it up eventually n then it Flys lol anyone have the same issue? And if so any suggestions???thank u June 1, 2022 ...
首页 VIP会员 电视剧 电影 综艺 动漫 少儿 全部 会员专区 游戏 快捷访问 历史 创作 客户端 00:00 00:00 倍速 收藏 分享 手机看 侵权/举报 大号铃木王SUZUKI GS 500E风冷双缸街车完美体验 2019年3月16日发布 04:54 大号铃木王SUZUKI GS 500E风冷双缸街车完美体验 ...
铃木Suzuki GS500E回归,经典王者热血再现,是你的菜吗? 阿猫看世界 发布时间:03-26 22:46 销量排行榜 总榜单 Model Y 26.39-36.39万 全国销量54937 获取底价 秦PLUS 9.98-20.99万 全国销量40215 获取底价 宋PLUS新能源 15.48-21.99万 全国销量30088
摘要: 在铃木街车家族里,GS系列是历史最为悠久的车系,至今已走过了近三十年的历程。在国内提起GS,车迷最先想起的肯定是那款曾风靡大江南北的GS125,说起GS500E,相信大多数车迷都没见过,更不熟悉。这也难怪,这款主供欧美市场的车子在日本国内都不多,更别提中国了,我们本期的试车就让它出来露个脸。
As was the case with the crash-damage from 2020, and the difficulty of finding usable forks (having the best of the poor stanchions I could find hard-chromed), bars, yokes, switchgear, tank(s), plastics, painting and stuff. Been taking this slowly, unlike with a car, in-use, you ...
适用于SUZUKI GN125 GN 125 FUEL TANK 燃油开关 福鼎羊雨吉贸易有限公司2年 回头率:32.7% 福建 宁德市 ¥45.00成交6套 Suzuki SV650 SV650S 1999-2002 From CA A200油开关 金华聚立汽车部件有限公司3年 回头率:32.8% 浙江 金华市 ¥28.00 ATV沙滩车摩托车大排量油开关 适用Suzuki LT80/LTZ400/Z400 ...
Since 1960 Haynes has produced manuals written from hands-on experience based on a vehicle teardown with hundreds of photos and illustrations, making Haynes the world leader in automotive repair information. 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 Suzuki GS500 Twin Service ...
Brilliant bike, wouldn't recommend for first bike as it is heavy. The ABS is life saving and I love it. TANK! Ride quality & brakes4 out of 5 Engine5 out of 5 Reliability & build quality5 out of 5 Value vs rivals4 out of 5 ...