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Times are hard within the wind turbine industry, including at one of the world's largest and most established providers, India's Suzlon Energy Ltd. As Suzlon grapples with global overcapacity, competition, and price challenges, its business priorities emphasize ways to generate and conserve cash....
406个Suzlon Energy Ltd员工的公司评论:薪资待遇,奖金福利,管理层,企业文化,年终奖,年假,晋升和工作稳定性
Suzlon Energy Ltd. had recently completed two European acquisitions, Hansen Transmissions (Belgium) and REpower (Germany). Both were completed under competitive bidding conditions, and many felt that this had driven the price up for the deals. These were the largest purchases by an Indian company ...
Synopsis The case highlights the ambitious growth strategy of Suzlon, an Indian company specializing in non-conventional (wind) energy. In 2007, Suzlon announced the acquisition of REpower of Germany, one of the top wind power companies in the world. It issued zero coupon and coupon bearing ...
This article reports on the decision of Girish Tanti, Rambhaben Ukabhai and Nidhi Tanti, founders of Indian wind-turbine maker Suzlon Energy Ltd., to sell additional stake in the company. They are selling a 4% stake in the company for more than 5.24 billion rupees. The sale is designed ...
Hansen Transmissions International NV, the world's fifth largest gearbox maker owned by Pune-based Suzlon Energy Ltd, is in discussions with Shanthi Gears Ltd to buy a substantial stake in Shanthi Gears, India's second largest industrial gearbox maker. The Belgium-based firm, controlled by ...