苏珊·玛丽·索莫斯是一位美国女演员、歌手、作家和健康与保健行业的女商人。她在《Three's Company》中扮演克丽丝·斯诺 (Chrissy Snow),在《步步为营》中扮演卡罗尔·福斯特·兰伯特 (Carol Foster Lambert)。 萨默斯写了超过 25 本书,包括两本自传、四本饮食书籍和一本诗集。
ET has recently caught up with Somers, who opened up abouther memories with the late Larry King. The famed interviewerdied Jan 23at the age of 87. "Larry King could talk to anyone about anything," Somers reflected while speaking with ET's Kevin Frazier, adding that King was overflowin...
Mass media focus on Suzanne Somers new book, A New Way to Age, may ignite widespread recognition that rejuvenation of older adults will soon become part of routine medical practice.