On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the publication of The Hunger Games, author Suzanne Collins and publisher David Levithan discussed the evolution of the story, the editorial process, and the first ten years of the life of the trilogy, encompassing both books and films. The following...
Powerful and haunting, this thrilling final installment of Suzanne Collins's groundbreaking The Hunger Games trilogy promises to be one of the most talked about books of the year. 在"饥饿游戏"系列结局篇里,凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩--燃烧的女孩,她的家乡十二区被无情摧毁。打猎伙伴盖尔逃离了虎口,成为了...
"Certain illustrations made an indelible impression on me growing up, and the images are forever linked to books I love, including John Tenniel's classic drawings forAlice's Adventures in Wonderlandand Fritz Eichenberg's wood engravings forWuthering Heights. I'm thrilled with Nico Delort's strik...
Suzanne Collinsannounced the release of a newHunger Gamesnovel, titledSunrise on the Reaping, which will land in bookstores on March 18, 2025. “WithSunrise on the Reaping, I was inspired by [Scottish Enlightenment professor] David Hume’s idea of implicit submission and, in his words, ‘t...
When authors write books, they add their perspective and beliefs. It could be about government, religion and many more controversial topics. In the Hunger Games, the author Suzanne Collins shows what she thinks about government. She does this by relating the Hunger Games to the gladiators and ...
Collins discusses "The Mayor of Casterbridge," which is a book she pretended to read, but did not, her favorite childhood books including "Myths and Enchantment Tales," by Margeret Evans, and the book "The Hot ...
Author: Suzanne Collins # of Books: 3+1 (Full Reading Order Here) Book Order: Chronological Complete?: Yes Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian, Action, Romance, Competition Heat Rating: cold Point of View: First Person, Single (#1-3); Third Person, Single (#0) Publication Dates: September 2008...
There are also books about intelligent people who do incredible things. The Science Fiction trilogy, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, combines these themes to create a suspenseful book that is not only interesting, but is fun to read. This book contains many moments where the main ...
To date, there are more than 100 million copies of all four books in The Hunger Games series in print and digital formats worldwide, and foreign publishing rights have been sold in 54 languages. “Suzanne Collins has done it again, bringing us back to the world of ...
“Suzanne Collinsreally made us watch as president snow killed off some of our favourite characters in the hunger games series and expect me to now read the back story of a man who I’m glad is dead,”another read. “You mean to tell me … I’ve waited years and preordered theHunger...