LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL 超乎想象的续航能力 您是否内心雀跃,对目的地充满期待?Levante令长途驾驶成为一种既舒适又刺激的体验。 脚踢感应功能 将旅行装备放入后备箱的同时,轻松自如的感觉已扑面而来。 在1米范围内,只需要简单的踢脚动作,智能尾门脚踢感应功能就能为您打开后备箱。
LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL 蓄勢待發,精益求精 Levante 長途駕駛是舒適且刺激的體驗,您只需盡情享受駕馭樂趣與旅途的美景。 腳踢感應器 把裝備放進行李箱時,馬上感受到自由的氛圍。距離一公尺內,腳踢感應器就能透過簡單的腳部動作打開行李箱。 資訊娛樂 安裝在無框 8”4 高清觸控螢幕上的新一代 Maserati MIA 智能多媒體...
全新奔驰GLC L SUV首次搭载专属的越野模式? 9⃣AT自动变速箱,即使在山间路段也不会有颠簸的感觉? 全时四驱,各种道路都能开的惬意☺ 特别是喜欢越野的友友们?,千万不要错过噢? 全新长轴距GLC SUV延续了经典的长轴设计✨ 4.82米的车身让豪华和霸气并存✅ 内饰空间极具舒适感? 座椅1⃣排豪华,2⃣排舒...
一见倾心🍃|奔驰GLC SUV ✨外观:4米82的长轴距车身,带来了更加灵活的空间表现,平直的前机舱盖与肌肉感十足的车身同色轮毂,演绎SUV的硬朗气质。 ✨内饰:全新长轴距 GLC SUV的内饰设计,将“新豪华主义”的运动美学诠释得淋漓尽致。12.3英寸高清LCD数字仪表屏与11.9英寸高清中央触控屏采用悬浮式设计,与“星环”...
(GM) has delivered a luxury SUV that pushes the limits of long-distance travel. While many electric SUVsstruggle to pass 300 miles on a single charge, this new flagship model blows that number out of the water, offering more range than any other in its class. Forget about an electric ...
For long-distance driving, what I fear most is that the space is narrow and difficult to stretch. Especially when traveling with family, because of the elderly and children, the requirements for space are higher. After all, if you don't take good care of them, the journey will not be ...
The Galaxy E5 is equipped with the new-generation Aegis Short Blade battery, available in two capacities—49.52 kWh and 60.22 kWh—delivering maximum ranges of up to 440 km and 530 km, respectively, thereby meeting the demands of daily urban commuting and long-distance travel. ...
LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL Ready to go the extra mile Anticipating the excitement to get to the destination, long-distance driving on board the Levante is an experience of comfort and adrenaline itself. KICK SENSOR The feeling of freedom starts while loading the equipment into the trunk. When the dist...
the travel risk. Many configurations of Chang'an Auchan X5 youth version have solved these problems. For example, it is equipped with a fatigue driving reminder system, which can let the driver rest regularly and keep in good condition at all times during long-distance driving. Long distance ...
the university, and the designers made elements of the SUV livable for long-distance, multi-day journeys: for example, the car’s seats fully recline to create a bed. When the car is stationary, the solar panels can be extended to maximize charging, while doubling as an awning for shade....