Consider each edge e of clipping Area and do following: a) Clip given polygon against e. 无限延伸裁剪边以创建边界,并使用此裁剪边剪切所有顶点。生成的新顶点列表以顺时针方式传递到裁剪多边形的下一条边,直到所有边都被使用。对于给定多边形的任何给定边与当前剪裁边 e,有四种可能的情况。 1、两个顶点都...
所需:1积分 JavaPrinciple 2025-01-31 13:56:07 积分:1 OD华为机试103道习题 2025-01-31 13:55:28 积分:1 freeswitch-doc 2025-01-31 13:46:21 积分:1 OPC-Client-console-LocalSyncWrapper 2025-01-31 13:45:29 积分:1 sky 2025-01-31 13:38:13 ...
void Sutherland_Hodgman_Polygon_Clipping(invertexlist, outvertexlist, inlength, outlength, clipboundary) vertex *invertexlist, *outvertexlist; int inlength, *outlength; vertex *clipboundary; /* invertexlist为输入极点序列,inlength为输入序列长度;outvertexlist为输出极点序列,outlenght中返回输出序列长度...
Dr. Dobb's Journal
Computer Graphics algorithms for line drawing, shape filling, circle drawing, ellipse drawing, polygon clipping, shear, transformation, and reflection reflection computer-graphics bresenham dda transformation polygon-clipping ellipse cohen-sutherland floodfill sutherland-hodgman line-drawing sutherland-hodgman-algo...
Weiler Atherton Polygon Clipping For clockwise polygon: for out-to-in pair, follow usual rule for in-to-out pair, follow clip edge Easiest to start outside General Clipping Clipping general against general polygons is quite hard Outline of Weiler algorithm: ...
void Sutherland_Hodgman_Polygon_Clipping(invertexlist, outvertexlist, inlength, outlength, clipboundary) vertex *invertexlist, *outvertexlist; int inlength, *outlength; vertex *clipboundary; /* invertexlist为输入顶点序列,inlength为输入序列长度;outvertexlist为输出顶点序列,outlenght中返回输出序列长度...
Revesz T. Clipping polygons with sutherland-hodgman's algorithm. C Users Journal 1993; 11(8):23-34.T. Revesz. Clipping polygons with sutherland-hodgman's algorithm. C Users, 8(8) :23-34...