2、计算待裁剪边(如上图三角形)与裁剪边(如上图正方形)的交点,如果已知每条线的两个点(1,2 & 3,4),则可以使用以下公式计算它们的交点。 // C++ program for implementing Sutherland–Hodgman // algorithm for polygon clipping #include<iostream> using namespace std; const int MAX_POINTS = 20; // ...
所需:1积分 JavaPrinciple 2025-01-31 13:56:07 积分:1 OD华为机试103道习题 2025-01-31 13:55:28 积分:1 freeswitch-doc 2025-01-31 13:46:21 积分:1 OPC-Client-console-LocalSyncWrapper 2025-01-31 13:45:29 积分:1 sky 2025-01-31 13:38:13 ...
A differentiable Python implementation of the Sutherland–Hodgman algorithm for clipping polygons in 2D. pytorch polygon-clipping sutherland-hodgman sutherland-hodgman-algorithm Updated Aug 12, 2022 Python vikesh8860 / Graphics-Algorithms Star 28 Code Issues Pull requests A bunch of different graphic...
图形学实验四_Sutherland-Hodgman多边形裁剪算法实验报告 热度: Clipping Apart from clipping to the view volume, clipping is a basic operation in many other algorithms Breaking space up into chunks 2D drawing and windowing Modelling May require more complex geometry than rectangular boxes ...
Dr. Dobb's Journal
1. Cohen-sutherland line clipping algorithm in javascript 2. Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm in javascript. cohen-hogman polygon clipping in action I believe the code is pretty readable – I had commented lavishly. Save them as html files, open in a browser, and keep clicking left...
Here you will learn about liang barsky line clipping algorithm in C and C++. 在这里,您将了解C和C ++中的liang barsky线裁剪算法。 This Algorithm was developed by Liang and Barsky. It is used for line clipping as i... 多边形裁剪:Sutherland-Hodgman算法 ...
Revesz T. Clipping polygons with sutherland-hodgman's algorithm. C Users Journal 1993; 11(8):23-34.T. Revesz. Clipping polygons with sutherland-hodgman's algorithm. C Users, 8(8) :23-34...