kepada khasiat susu ibu. Di dalam slot ini, Pn Rita Rahayu, IBCLC (Perunding Laktasi SusuIbu.Com) menerangkan tentang pengetahuan dan kaedah asas penyusuan. Antara yang disentuh ialah tempoh dan pilihan penyusuan, perbezaan susu ibu dan susu formula, dan bagaimana susu ibu mencegah infeksi....
There are significant differences between the psychosocial developments of infant age 6 months old who were given exclusively breastfed and formula milk (P=0,027) Abstrak: Perbedaan Tumbuh Kembang Antara Bayi Usia 6 Bulan Yang Diberi ASI Eksklusif Dan Susu Formula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk ...
Data was collected by interview that using questionare, then analyzed it by proving based on chi square test in stage of accurancy (0,05) and Odd Ratio.Result of research: This research show that thereis influance the way of given powder milk to baby with diarhea that ages 0-6 bulan ...