EcoturismoSustentabilidadLanguageofKeywords:EnglishSpanishBased on the facts of Martinez (2010) and the categories in Robles and Cardoso (2009) about the sustainability of indigenous communities, and due to lack of research-development relationship in ecotourism sustainability; this research analyzed the ...
Por ser un sector poco estudiado pero de gran trascendencia económica, el objeto de estudio seleccionado fue la industria cerámica en Tlaxcala, México, con seis empresas de cerámica instaladas y en operación (Secretaría de Turismo y Desarrollo Económico [SETYDE], 2016). Para tal fin, es...
Companies face the challenge of innovating in a competitive environment marked by constant and abrupt changes. Objective. To analyze the state of the art on innovation and business sustainability, with the aim of revealing their relationship and interpretable research patterns. Methodology....
Rural tourism: It is defined by the integration of community elements to the project. In fact, sustainable or rural tourism is offered excluding the community, in this research it was made a diagnosis to the project rural tourism "Don Bonifacio" located in San Jeronimo Otla, Coixtlahuaca, ...
INDICADORES ECONMICOS, AMBIENTALES Y SUSTENTABILIDAD DEL ECOTURISMO EN MXICO. (Spanish)Sustainable DevelopmentEcotourismCommunity SustainabilityLocal Development EnvironmentIn this research dimensions of sustainable development were examined from the perspective of commonality in ecotourism services and activities ...
El presente artículo está distribuido de la siguiente manera: primeramente, se define el tema central de la investigación –el concepto de turismo gastronómico–, se contextualiza el turismo gastronómico a nivel nacional y regional, y se menciona su importancia para la eco...
Impacto de la demanda de un turismo social en la sustentabilidad de la actividad en el balneario de El Quisco, Provincia de San Antonio - ChileSustainable tourismenvironmental managementenvironmentEvery summer Chile's Central Coast undergoes the effects of social tourism, as a vast number of low...