livelihoodsifadsustainable生计联合国framework ANIFADSUSTAINABLELIVELIHOODSFRAMEWORK byJulianHamilton-PeachandPhilipTownsley Policyconclusions WhilethediagrammaticrepresentationoftheSLframeworkisbynomeansthemostimportant elementintheSLApproach,itplaysanimportantroleasa“pointoffirstentry”fordevelopment practitionersbeingexposed...
A fra m e work for anal ysis 6 S U S TA I NABLE LI VELI HOODS Vulnerability Context Sustainable Livelihoods Framework Livelihood Assets Financial Physical Natural Policy, Institutions & Processes Livelihood Strategies Livelihood Outcomes Human ➪ ➪ Social S U S TA I NABLE LIVELI HOODS 7 ...
This paper proposes an extension to the sustainable livelihoods framework by introducing a sixth asset, information capital. Information capital is a critical livelihood asset. Adding information capital as a core asset in the sustainable livelihoods framework promises to improve our understanding of people...
Fostering climate resilience is a central goal of the 2015 Paris Agreement approved at the Climate Change Framework Convention of the United Nations [38]. Frequent extreme weather events occurred due to climate change, negatively impacting food and livelihood security and threatening socio-economic ...
Its two-dimensional diagram represents core variables such as vulnerability context, livelihood capital, structural and process changes, and livelihood strategies and goals, as well as typical relationships between them. The SLA framework addresses five kinds of overall livelihood capital: (1) human ...
Evaluation of sustainable intensification of cultivated land use according to farming households’ livelihood types. Ecol. Indic. 2022, 138, 108848. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Nie, Y.; Avraamidou, S.; Xiao, X.; Pistikopoulos, E.N.; Li, J.; Zeng, Y.; Song, F.; Yu, J.; Zhu, ...
However, livelihood and well-being benefit a lot from—as described earlier—investment in wetlands. Numbers from 2008 show that on average a 1 km2 wetland provides natural resources for local communities worth USD203 per household and year in the Lesotho area. In Cape Town area, the number is...
The livelihood of an EV business ecosystem is important to different ecosystem participants: industrial participants, government agencies, industry associations, customers,... Article detailsDownload article (PDF) Proceedings Article Enterprise risk grade evaluation based on risk management Xintong Zhu, Qian...
The “livelihood-oriented view” provides more insights into the household characteristics that can support the sustainability of the farming system. This framework is mostly applied in developing countries, but it could also be used in developed countries, where household characteristics such as other ...
the economic frame comes to dominate over the societal. While the notion of a recycling society proposed a new framing of resources and wastes based on principles of ecological sustainability, the CE provided these issues with an economic framework. The CE action plan that the EU adopted in 2015...