Auf Sustainable Finance spezialisierte Teams bei EY helfen Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen, Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu definieren. Mehr erfahren.
Von den Anfängen auf europäischer Ebene bis zur Strategie der Bundesregierung: Eine Bilanz der Rolle von Multi-Stakeholder-Initiativen in Sustainable Finance Zusammenfassung Als einziger Vertreter aus Deutschland war Michael Schmidt sowohl Mitglied der High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance der...
the contemporary functional equivalent is the shift towards renewable resources. This development too is supported by climate change concerns and treaty obligations. The world of finance may well become an independent countervailing factor – key players, especially after 2015, have begun to abandon the...
62 J. Halliday Table 2 Food-related policy areas Policy area Relevance to food Planning, infrastructure and urban development Public transport and roads Local economic development Local finance administration Social welfare services Public health Education Public procurement Environmental sustainability ...
From the other point of view, the changes in the law regulations, made in the EU and furthermore in Poland, could significantly influence the whole alternative finance market and lead to enormous growth or cause alternative instruments to be avoided for a long time. The direction that the ...
regards to their intention to use straw pellets as innovative and sustainable substrate alternatives? In order to answer this question an exploratory factor analysis and subsequent hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted with survey data obtained from German biogas plant operators (n= 309) in early...