Sustainable Development Goal 16: Preparedness, Progress and Challenges of Bangladesh A Study of Selected Targets (In Bengali)doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.19633.30560Shahzada M AkramMd Waheed AlamAbu Said MiahMd Sahidul Islam
A Bengali st udent improves sanit at ion at his high school Changing Lives in India “ I volunt eered t o help maint ain t he filt er pump locat ed near my house. Aft er t he filt er was inst alled, I was elect ed t o my village’s wat er commit t ee. I manag...
As we welcome in a new year, countries have come up with solutions of sustainable economic development. We speak to experts on how China has spearheaded such efforts. 2023 is expected to bring more people-to-people exchanges between China, the United States and the rest of the world. What ...
media coverage of events organised by international development partners in Bangladesh. Content analysis 15 newspapers - 5 in English, 3 online English and Bengali 981 Bangladesh July 2015 - December 2018 (Bhattacharya et al., 2020) The article explores the differences between sustainability-related me...
on population growth and even climate change. Even goals that seem unrelated may have an impact on each other. The philosopher and economist Amartya Sen famously observed after studying the Bengali famine, that there have been no famines in democracies. If achieved, the SDGs ca...
so the Bengali and Indian tycoons of the Oud trade started sniffing around for a solution. Laotian Oud being too sharp when distilled the Hindi way, and Burma being impenetrably closed off for the most part, they could only turn to the ‘next best’ thing down the block, which was ‘Ou...
Implementing effective risk management while limiting these costs requires clear policy that defines the benefits and harms of cultivating transgenic crops and how those benefits and harms should be weighed in decision-making. Policy should lead to the development of regulatory frameworks that minimise ...
Bengali, S. The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Unleashing a Tidal Wave of Plastic Waste. The Los Angeles Times. Available online: (accessed on 13 June 2020). Shams, M.; Alam, I.; Mahbub, S. Plas...
Sustainability is defined as achieving sustainable development (the most widespread and well-known concept associated with sustainability) without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their own needs [29]. “Sustainable development” was introduced by the UN in 1987 [29]. Since the late ...
The interviewees stressed that Western cultures are commonly valued more highly than Bengali culture in the decision-making process. Long-time colonisation is one of the reasons for this cultural inferiority, as mentioned by two participants during interviews. Four participants also talked about the ...