We have an agenda of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were adopted in September 2015 for a fifteen year period up until 2030. Even when they were adopted, we were not really going to achieve all of them by 2030...
explained that the main purpose of the meeting was to review Africa's progress and catalyze actions to achieve the 2030 sustainable development goals. The meeting was also meant to achieve consensus on urgent priorities for action, which are captured in the Kigali Declaration to be presented at t...
The author argues that by doing so would reflect failure to see practical wisdom in it for sustainable human development that has become humanity's most recent concern. This paper highlights ideas of development as explained in Gandhi's Hind Swaraj. The importance of localized nature of economy ...
explained this with the concept of how tall trees stay upright. The wood from within consists of cellulose elementary fibrils or microfibrils, which strongly reinforce the cellulose nanofibrils to keep the upright structure of the tree and prevent it from falling. Cellulose nanofibers are formed by...
The author argues that by doing so would reflect failure to see practical wisdom in it for sustainable human development that has become humanity's most recent concern. This paper highlights ideas of development as explained in Gandhi's Hind Swaraj. The importance of localized nature of economy ...
This may be explained by referring to life styles 100 years ago, when a farmer ran his own holding, recycling everything, using manure from his animals to fertilize his fields and eating the produce of the land, and doing no harm to the environment. When he closed down, he left every...
“It is vital to have the perfect mix of policies to foster the use of technology, skills development and building future industrial competencies – including advanced technology – to create a win-win situation for everyone in Africa,” explained Ahmed Rezk, UNIDO Regional Hub office in Egypt....
At the national scale, migration has often been explained as problem of global territorial inequality that people attempt to overcome by relocating from one place to another (Hackl2018; Israel and Frenkel2018). Therefore, national and international stakeholders should discuss how these inequalities manif...
Furthermore, the negative association of high medium adoption with age could be explained by the fact that, older household heads may be more resistant to change and less likely to adopt new agricultural practices, including the silvopastoral system. They may have established traditional farming meth...
The corporate sustainability strategy can be explained by these three aspects. (1) The company attaches importance to R&D and innovation. If an enterprise wants to continue to operate and endure for a long time, it needs to make continuous resource investment in the development of services and ...