Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Actionwill cover the issues affecting climate and the environment and the pivotal role that sustainable chemistry has to play in solving them. Issues related to climate are complex, involving scientific, technical, social and industrial aspects. For example, the … ...
Wastewater treatment processes, Behaviour and fate of contaminants in Soils and Waters, Solid waste valorisation, Phytoremediation, Sustainable chemistry, environmental chemistry, climate action, Chemistry for Climate, Green chemistry Professor Robert Mokaya, PhD ...
The American Chemistry Council’s mission is to advocate for the people, policy, and products of chemistry that make the United States the global leader in innovation and manufacturing. To achieve this, we: Champion science-based policy soluti...
How to make plastics less harmful is an urgent question in chemistry — and must be for policy, too. Twitter Facebook Email Since Bakelite was revealed in 1907 as the first synthetic plastic — it was used as an electrical insulator — this lightweight, strong and mouldable class of ...
關於建築物的故事最好由那些規劃、設計和建造它們的人來講述。三位分別來自歐洲、北美洲和亞洲的巴斯夫客戶將介紹他們對世界各地的建築項目可持續性的觀點。 對於Jean-Denis Mege而言,住在建築物裡的人是建築可持續發展的關鍵因素。目前他就職於法國蘭斯的一家社會住宅公司Foyer Rémois。他認為可持續建築就是始終保持...