REVALIDATING VERNACULAR TECHNIQUES FOR A SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT BY WAY OF SELECTED EXAMPLES IN THE EASTERN CAPE 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 4 摘要: Contemporary design and construction methods often entail large amounts of wastage, high construction costs, high energy consumption ...
In some cases, the mere concept of 'environmentally progressive'seems to be both physically Cultural Issues for a Sustainable Built Environment 103 Of course, there are certain research(Odum, 1983) uses examples of different social production systems to illustrate how effidoi:10.1002/
For the moment, this is the definitive encyclopedia on sustainability in the built environment written by world leaders in each subject area. These authors have written the textbooks, the codes and standards, and the vision for a more sustainable built environment, at every level – regional, urb...
Terrace cultivation, method of growing crops on sides of hills or mountains by planting on graduated terraces built into the slope. Though labor-intensive, the method has been employed effectively to maximize arable land area in variable terrains and to
Examples of Sustainable Development Some of these examples include but are not limited to: Wind Energy Wind energy is energy harnessed from the motion of wind usingwind turbinesor windmills.Wind energy is renewable, which means it’s never-ending and can be used to substitute energy on the grid...
伦敦大学学院(UCL)-MSc Built Environment: Sustainable Heritage-建筑环境:可持续遗产硕士 所在学院:巴特莱特建筑学院-环境、能源和资源系(BSEER) UCL可持续遗产研究所是巴特莱特环境、能源和资源学院的一部分,是能源、环境、资源和遗产方面的专家机构所在地。UCL的巴特莱特学院是英国最大的多学科建筑环境学院,汇集了研...
The key examples discussed in the literature review could be supported for the policymakers and practicing engineers to understand and implements useful actions to cope up global challenges to meet the sustainable urbanisations targets. So, the overall, the research contributions are multifold in its ...
Compared to previous classifications, our typology of neighborhoods is especially useful, when analyzing topics that strongly relate to the built environment such as the illustrative examples of population growth, density, and car-ownership demonstrate. However, also socioeconomic development, such as ...
Examples are junipers, spruces, firs, and evergreen shrubs. Consider what direction the winter winds come from where you live to determine planting site.According to the U.S. Forestry Service, trees reduce national residential energy use by 7.2%. For more guidelines and instructions on placing...
Environmentally friendly packaging examples The switch to sustainability requires some research. You need to see how it can best complement yourpackaging design. Look at the examples below to see several examples of brands that have done exactly that. ...