When you say ‘sustainable agriculture’, it means farming as a viable enterprise that can sustain a farmer’s living, as well as adequately provide for the needs of the people and the community in general. With the growing problem on climate change, experts estimate that in 20 to 30 years...
CommentOpen Access6 Nov 2024 npj Sustainable Agriculture Stronger commitment and faster action against antimicrobial resistance As the United Nations convenes its second High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance, urgent global action is needed. This Focus issue draws attention to pressing challenges...
MAIS Program: Climate-Smart Agriculture Brazil (UNFCCC, 2018). Tarchiani, V. et al. Smallholder farmers facing climate change in West Africa: decision-making between innovation and tradition. J. Innov. Econ. 24, 151–176 (2017). Article Google Scholar Busch, J. A., Price, I., Jeansou...
for bioremediation, wastewater treatment; and recycling of biodegradable municipal, agricultural and industrial waste; as well as biocontrol agents and bio-pesticides. As such, it offers a valuable resource for researchers, academics and students in the broad fields of microbiology and agriculture. ...
1)Newvoter suppressionlaws and tactics are in effect: Since the last Presidential election, some states have passed laws instituting rules that will make it harder for certain groups of people to vote (especially young people and students, people with disabilities, poor and homeless people, and ...
This article describes an interdisciplinary undergraduate course in the science and policy of sustainable agriculture that was developed for students majoring in political science. As the theme of the course was both the science and politics of sustainable agriculture, the authors selec...
For example, it was found that farmer perception strongly correlates to adoption rates for conservation agriculture (r = 0.81; p < 0.05) (Mugandani and Mafongoya, 2019). It has been reported that concerns over soil type, weed control, and weather conditions were the main inhibiting factors ...
This site is a resource for farmers and smallholders seeking to practice regenerative agriculture by implementing techniques focused on improving soil fertility such as no-till, aerobic composting, biochar and other processes optimising the development o
The global food system must become more sustainable. Digital agriculture — digital and geospatial technologies to monitor, assess and manage soil, climatic and genetic resources — illustrates how to meet this challenge so as to balance the economic, en
Thus, the village government integrates collective resources to develop tourism, agriculture, and the real economy in the local area, and the evacuated residents are entitled to the proceeds obtained from their collective economy. The village collectives pay dividends to local villagers in order to ...