Big business including major corporations such as Nestle, Unilever, Salesforce and Coca-Cola, has been a major backer of the law with hopes this will provide a pathway towards robust legislation that will give clear policy direction to businesses and investors. If the law is adopted in February...
Is the future of travel regulation digital and green? By PhocusWright Research|November 11, 2024 According to Phocuswright Research, navigating a patchwork of regulations across borders is a major challenge for travel businesses.Read More Interview/Startups ...
The CSDDD applies to a broad scope of large EU companies, as well as non-EU companies with significant EU operations, and will require in-scope companies to integrate environmental and human rights due diligence into policies, assess impacts, and establish complaint mechanisms. The CSDDD will al...
The goal of carbon-neutral aviation calls for proactive, globally cohesive public policies. CFM is working closely with the entire industry to ensure that this objective can be achieved together. TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH 0% Achieve a 40 percent reduction in net carbon emissions Reducing fuel consumptio...
More than 93% of Volotea’s flights cannot be covered by train in less than 6 hours. Among our more than 400 routes, in 2024 only 1 can be covered by train in less than 4 hours (MAD-RMU). Volotea plays a major role in European island connectivity. In summer 2023 (June to September...
This engagement is now in its second year. During the first year, PwC India supported BEE in developing a regulatory and policy framework, drawing on extensive insights, assessments, and studies of policies implemented in other countries. Concurrently, work began on creating a central IT platform ...
Sustainable investing recognizes companies’ role in solving some of the major sustainability challenges globally and that companies driving impactful sustainability agendas can be best positioned to grow, and one way to do this is through inclusion into a sustainability stock-market index. Current resear...
by addressing risks posed by environmental impacts, poor labor conditions, human rights abuses, and bad management of stakeholders; second, the potential for competitive advantage, an argument that has already persuaded a number of major companies to promote corporate social responsibility policies. ...
An analysis of academic contributions, however, shows that firm value has often been linked to different business strategies and policies, and is thereby influenced by several factors. This poses the question as to what the value determinants are and how they can be classified. The systematic revi...
Capex: does the asset need major upgrades? When was its last hard refurbishment? Location: what type of location is it in? Urban vs rural? Hot vs colder climate? Size: how big is the asset? How does the size of the property impact the feasibility of proposed environmental initiatives?