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Chemieunternehmen können die Kreislaufwirtschaft nutzen, um langfristige Werte zu schaffen. Wie das möglich ist, erläutert Matthias Brey von EY hier. 29 Juli 2022EY Deutschland+1 EY logo Impressum Rechtliches und Datenschutz Transparenzbericht ...
Three Foundations of Core Strategy Financial Targets (KPIs: key performance indicators) JDI's management plan drives profitable growth by focusing on high-margin businesses where JDI has competitive advantages with the aim to achieve JPY 767.2B in net sales, JPY 99.1B in earnings before interest, ...
Philipp Rubner hat Versorgungstechnik studiert und einen Master in Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Er arbeitete mehrere Jahre als Ingenieur mit Fokus Energiekonzepte im Industrieumfeld und wechselte anschließend in die Strategie- und Managementberatung mit Schwerpunkt Energiewirtschaft. Er hat bei mehreren...
The information about demographic factors could be used by the decision-makers to tailor their activities based on the results; thus, the applicability of the D drivers for general waste management was discussed, which are also considered applicable for biodegradable plastics. For example, knowing tha...
SAP customers are using SAP Sustainability Control Tower to master their ESG data management and reporting challenges. msg global: Advancing sustainable business operations Find out how msg global is using SAP Sustainability Control Tower to set targets, monitor progress, and establish robust and audit...
Anderson School of Management, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA. ABSTRACT This paper elaborates on the role of green technologies and innovations in “greening” Brazil’s Amazon region fresh water resources. The paper elaborates on the development of an innovation quadruple helix to bette...
To achieve them, the renowned glass manufacturers Saint-Gobain Glass Deutschland GmbH and Saint-Gobain O berland AG have adopted Siemens' energy management system B.Data. The works now use B.Data for a transparent assessment of energy consumption in their glass manufacturing pro- cesses. ...
The remainder (both hazardous and non- hazardous) was either treated and disposed using approved methods and routes, stored temporarily at Serenja hazardous waste management facility (HWMF), or landfilled (non-hazardous only) in a BP-dedicated cell operated by Azerbaijan Deutschland Ecological ...
Buro Happold is a British professional services firm that provides engineering, consultancy, design, planning, project management, and consulting services for buildings, infrastructure and the environment. In a nutshell: World-class global practice of engineers, consultants and advisers; Integrated thinking...